≪ 2021年4月 | トップ | 2021年6月 ≫



In this week we discuss our approach to the past and how to understand history, especially from the post-colonial perspective. An empirical approach is certainly important but we need to constantly guard ourselves against taking data as an established fact, as data can be described, collected, and analyzed in a certain perspective. Discussion with others helps keep us falling into the fallacy of self-righteousness. Hence, the importance of history in the public sphere.

After a fruitful time of discussion, we covered the first half of Osborne's Chapter 7 The Asian Immigrants in Southeast Asia. Early settlers in pre-modern times may be discerned as language groups, that is, the Austronesian group in insular Southeast Asia, the Austro-Asiatic group in Vietnam and Cambodia, the Tai-Kadai group in Laos and Thailand, and the Tibeto-Burman group in Myanmar. The last two groups migrated to the present areas relatively later than the first two.

In modern times, the two most important Asian immigrants are Chinese and, to a lesser degree, Indians. They were brought to Southeast Asia by a pull factor of western colonization and by a push factor of the social conditions (which were also caused by western impact) of their home countries. The immigrants originally came as sojourners but then part of them became settlers.

We will look more into the social conditions of Chinese immigrants next week.














Before moving to chapter 6 Economic Transformation, we shared the different perspectives about a plural society in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. While Malaysia is characterized by the migrant communities brought in by the British, Indonesia and the Philippines are characterized by various indigenous ethnic groups. Mestizo communities are another characteristic of the Philipines.

In chapter 6 the author pointed out that Southeast Asia's economy changed most rapidly from the 19th century onward. This is in part caused by the industrialization of the West and also in part accelerated by the utilization of the change by the local population. Some of the products featured in this era include rubber, tin, and rice.

At the end of the class, we discussed different perspectives on, and in what way we can contextualize colonization. We will continue discussing this problematic point in further classes.





今後、2004年の法律と2014年の制度の違い、数次にわたって発出されている大統領令の内容を調査する必要があることが確認されました。最低限の医療サービスのコストについて分析したHealth Policy Plus(USAIDの関連機関)のレポートも読み込む必要があります。




  1. アンダーソンは、なぜナショナリズムの定義を「人類学的精神」でおこなうと述べたでしょうか?
  2. アンダーソンによるナショナリズムの定義にある、「想像されたもの」「限られたもの」「主権的なもの」「一つの共同体」として想像される、というのは、それぞれどういう意味でしょうか?











  • ・日時:2021年5月17日(月)10時30分~11時50分
  • ・場所:警察大学校国際警察センター
  • ・題目:インドネシア情勢について




In this week, we will continue the discussion based on chapter 5:

  • 4. What does the author mean by saying "the flag followed trade into Malaya", and why does the author state that "the usual colonial paradigm was reversed" in this process?
  • 5. What are the features of the colonization of the Philippines that made it separate from other places in Southeast Asia? Describe two features.

We find a remarkable change in the western advance before the 18th and after the 19th centuries. The earlier western advance mostly involved the trading of tropical products (spices and coffee), whereas the later advance involved the political and territorial colonization and the exploitation of natural resources (tin and rubber) which were used in the increasingly industrialized European market. The final products were then also sold in the colonies.

The earlier advances were made by the Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch, whereas the later advances were by the British, French, Dutch (after the resolution of the Dutch East Indies Company in the later 19th century), and Spanish (where the mestizo community played an important role). The last point might explain why the Philippines as a Spanish colony shows a striking similarity with its Latin American counterparts.

Before continuing the discussion further on chapter 6 Economic Transformation, we looked into the notion of a plural society, where communities (ethnic or otherwise) with incompatible values exist side-by-side, "meeting only in the market" but not "combining". If this is indeed the situation of the colonies, a question to be asked is whether this is still applicable in a post-colonial independent "nation-state". About this, we will continue our discussion next week.












まず、「ナショナリズム」の日本語訳として「国民主義」と「民族主義」の2つがあることを出発点に、日本語の「民族」には英語のnation、インドネシア語のbangsaという意味と、英語のethnic group、インドネシア語のsuku bangasaという意味の二つがあること、現代の近代国家においては、領土、国民、主権からなる国民国家(nation state)が国家の「あるべき形」であるという考え方が一般化したことを確認しました。






  1. アンダーソンは、なぜナショナリズムの定義を「人類学的精神」でおこなうと述べたでしょうか?
  2. アンダーソンによるナショナリズムの定義にある、「想像されたもの」「限られたもの」「主権的なもの」「一つの共同体」として想像される、というのは、それぞれどういう意味でしょうか?



2021年5月 7日


We continued the photo challenges, in which we covered the following images:

  1. The Imperial City of Hue is located in the former imperial capital of Vietnam. The construction was started by the Nguyen dynasty in 1804. An example of a mixture of local and Chinese traditions.
  2. San Agustin Church is a Roman Catholic church, located inside the historic walled city of Intramuros in Manila, the Philippines. The church in the current form was completed in 1607 during the Spanish colonial rule. The church is one of the four churches designated as the UNESCO World Heritage site under the collective name of the Baroque Churches of the Philippines in 1993. Catholic missionary activities in Asia began in the 16th century. Francis Xavier, who arrived in Japan in 1549, was one of the pioneers.
  3. Bagan is an ancient capital of Myanmar and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Between the 13th and 14th centuries, over 4,000 Buddhist temples were built. An example of the influence of Theravada Buddhism in Mainland SEA.
  4. Stone Inscriptions found in Indonesia. Inscriptions began to appear in SEA around 400 CE. While early inscriptions are written in Sanskrit in an Indian script (originated from Southern Brahmi script), later inscriptions are written in local languages in an Indian script with modification. An example of Indianization of SEA.
  5. The Laguna copper-plate inscription, found in the Philippines, was made around 900 CE. It is written in Kawi script using a mixture of Sanskrit, Old Javanese and Old Malay. An example of an extensive repercussion of SEA's Indianization.
  6. A Dong Son bronze kettle drum. Dong Son prehistoric culture, named after a village of the same name in Vietnam, was introduced to Indochina from the north about 300 BCE. Bronze kettle drums are representative of the culture. They were distributed widely in SEA.

I hope the photo challenges have given us a variety of elements in the culture and history of Southeast Asia. After this, we moved on to the discussion based on a chapter from the following book.

  • Osborne, Milton. 2016. Southeast Asia: An Introductory History. 12th ed. Allen & Unwin.

Some of the points we discussed include the following questions:

  • 1. According to the author, what is an important (although not the only important) feature of the European advance into Southeast Asia, and why? (Cf. the national border between Malaysia and Indonesia)
  • 2. What is the difference between the traditional Southeast Asian idea of "frontier zones" and the European idea of "clearly delineated borders", and why it led to a confrontation between the two? (Cf. the national ownership of Angkor Wat)
  • 3. Why was Thailand the only country in Southeast Asia that successfully evaded colonial rule? (Cf. the buffer zone between the British and the French).

In the next week, we will continue the discussion based on chapter 5 before move on to the next chapter.

2021年5月 6日








  • ベネディクト・アンダーソン著、白石さや・白石隆訳「序章」『増補 想像の共同体:ナショナリズムの起源と流行』NTT出版株式会社、1997、p.18-29.(amazon.co.jp



また、ナショナリズムのパラドックとして、1) 歴史的に新しい創造物なのに当事者にとっては遠い過去に起源があると想定されていること、2) ナショナリティがどこでも通用する概念とされていながら、実際のナショナリティは個別具体的なネーションとして現われること、3) ナショナリズムの影響力の大きさに比較して、それを説明する理論が発達していないこと、の3点が挙げられています。




