≪ 【4年次ゼミ】6月3月 | トップ | 【3年次ゼミ】6月10日 ≫



This week we discuss the background and consequences of Chinese immigration to Southeast Asia covered in the second half of Osborne's Chapter 7 The Asian Immigrants in Southeast Asia.

First, we critically observe Osborne's comparison between the condition of European immigrants to America or Australia and that of Asian immigrants to Southeast Asia. It is also important to understand that there are different backgrounds among Chinese immigrants and that there is a difference in the way Chinese immigrants interacted with the local communities in different sub-regions in Southeast Asia. Another important point is that a shift from slavery to indentured servitude (contract labor) took place as a source of labor force in the 19th century, and this applies to Chinese and Indian immigrants in Southeast Asia.

Finally, we discuss the constructed-ness of the image of "diligent and rich Chinese" and "lazy and poor natives" in the public sphere. It was pointed out that the division among local populations (including immigrants) benefitted the colonizers.

Next week (11 June), we will review the film Max Havelaar. Please submit your essay if you have not. In the following week (18 June), we will move into Osborne's Chapter 8. Please complete reading it by then.


