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Workshop: The Future Outlook of the "Indianization" Theory in Southeast Asian Historiography



場所:東京外国語大学 本郷サテライト5階セミナー室(地下鉄本郷三丁目駅下車、徒歩5分)
連絡先:青山 亨(taoyama@tufs.ac.jp)、松浦史明(matsuura0314@yahoo.co.jp

Workshop: The Future Outlook of the "Indianization" Theory in Southeast Asian Historiography
Date : Monday, March 10, 2014
Time: 17:00-19:30
Place: Seminar Room, 5th fl. Hongou Satellite Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2-14-10 Hongo, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo
Access: http://www.tufs.ac.jp/access/hongou.html
Pierre-Yves Manguin. Professor Emeritus, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, France.
Hermann Kulke. Professor Emeritus, Chair of Asian History, Department of History, University of Kiel, Germany
Organizer: Southeast Asian History Study Group, Tokyo
Contact: Toru Aoyama (taoyama@tufs.ac.jp), Fumiaki Matsuura (matsuura0314@yahoo.co.jp)

"Indianization" is a concept proposed by George C?des (1944) on the basis of groundwork done by R. C. Majumdar and other early historians of Southeast Asia who specialized in Indology. According to C?des, Indianization is defined as "the expansion of an organized culture that was founded upon the Indian conception of royalty, was characterized by Hinduist or Buddhist cults, the mythology of the Pur??as, and the observance of the Dharma??stras, and expressed itself in the Sanskrit language." Using this notion of "Indianization," C?des managed to delineate a history of such a vast region as Southeast Asia from one particular perspective.
Since then, a wide-ranging discussion about "Indianization" has ensued. Initially the discussion of "Indianization" hinged on the apparently undeniable fact that "Indic" elements can be observed in many parts of pre-modern Southeast Asia. Currently, however, we witness a lack of consensus among researchers about how to approach the concept of "Indianization", its impact on Southeast Asia, its role in state formation and social integration, and ultimately the usefulness of the term itself. The advancement of archaeological research also have raised many questions about the classical image of "Indianization." Arguably, the very concept of "Indianization" is now at the point of reconsideration or even of deconstruction, even though it seems we still need to keep using the term in quotation marks.
In the workshop, we invite two distinguished scholars of South and Southeast Asian archaeology and history, Dr. Pierre-Yves Manguin and Dr. Hermann Kulke, who will give us an opportunity to listen to their views and a chance to address questions about "Indianization."


