≪ 東南アジア考古学会2020年度大会の開催 | トップ | 『東京外大 東南アジア学』第26巻が刊行されました ≫



This week, we focus on the arrangement of the Buddha images in Borobudur. They are as follows:

Mudra (hand gesture)
East (levels 1-4)
Bhumisparsa (Ground-touching)
South (levels 1-4)
Vara (Wish-fulfilling)
Ratnasambhava 宝生
West (level 1-4)
Dhyana (Meditation)
Amitabha 阿弥陀
North (level 1-4)
Abhaya (Fearless)
Amoghasiddhi 不空成就
Four sides (level 5)
Vitarka (Teaching)
Mahavairocana 大日如来
Small stupas
Dharmacakra (Dharma wheel)
Shakyamuni 釈迦牟尼

It is interesting to note that this arrangement has a similarity with the Diamond Realm mandala in Vajrayana.

After this, we looked into the Prambanan temple, another magnificent legacy from Indonesia's Hindu-Buddhist period. Next weel, we will look into the reliefs of the Ramayana story.


