≪ 【4年次ゼミ】10月8日 | トップ | 【3年次ゼミ】10月15日 ≫



This week we started exploring the development of Buddhism and Hinduism. Topics we covered include:

  • The Indus Valley civilization (2600-1900 BCE)
  • Aryan migration, Indo-European language family
  • Veda texts (1500-1000 BCE) in Sanskrit
    • Rituals performed by Brahmins for gods: Indra, Agni, Rudra, and other gods of natural phenomena
    • Concept of reincarnation: atman and karma

A Brahmin is a priest. Since Brahmins created all the ancient texts, the world view described in the texts is naturally Brahmin-centered. They commanded respect from other classes because only Brahmins knew the gods' language and could communicate with them.

Please note that there is a lot of discussion regarding the Aryan migration theory.


