≪ 【古典文化論】6月11日 | トップ | 【読解】6月15日 ≫

ITS-TUFS Lecture series: Thongchai Winichakul


The Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies and the Institute of Transcultural Studies-TUF will jointly hold the first of ITC-TUFS's "Our Asian Neighbors, so near yet so far" Lecture Series.


Correction: Please note the correct time is 4:00-5:30pm.

Changing Landscape of Asian Studies: A view from the US with emphasis on Southeast Asian Studies

Speaker: Thongchai Winichakul, Professor of History at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Date and Time: Friday June 12, 4:00-5:30 pm
Location: Institute of Transcultural Studies, Room 422 Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Description: After the Cold War, Asian Studies in global scale is changing on two fronts: 1) the sites of knowledge production with particular environments and outcomes, and 2) the notions of "Asia" as a spatial concept with particular logics of the studies. Do these changes affect Southeast Asian studies? Do they also take place in the field?

The lecture will be delivered in English. For directions, see map at TUFS website. Please contact Professor Toru Aoyama for further information at taoyama@tufs.ac.jp

This lecture is jointly held by the Institute of Transcultural Studies-TUFS and the Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies. The lecture is the first of ITC-TUFS's "Our Asian Neighbors, so near yet so far" Lecture Series.

(Download this poster, PDF)

The lecture was successfully completed with 43 attendants. We would like to thank Thongchai sensei for his interesting and stimulating lecture.
Here are some of the photos during the lecture.
Thongchai lecture

Thongchai lecture

Thongchai lecture


