≪ 【3年次ゼミ】2月9日 | トップ | 「2014年度の記録」の作成 ≫

国際シンポジウム:Transformation of Religions as reflected in Javanese texts


東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所で以下のように国際シンポジウム:Transformation of Religions as reflected in Javanese textsが開催され、青山も11日に"The significance of'mok?a' in the Ramayana reliefs in the light of Old Javanese texts"の題目で報告を行いました。


■International Symposium: Transformation of Religions as reflected in Javanese texts
■場所:東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 A304室

1. Opening Remarks
2. 山﨑美保(AA研共同研究員,東京外国語大学) "Transformation of religions as reflected in Old Javanese inscriptions from 9th and 10th centuries; Analysis of the imprecations"
3. Dwi PUSPITRINI (University of Indonesia) "The religious words in 'Adiparwa'" (tentative)
4. Stuart ROBSON(AA研外国人研究員) "Some aspects of the thought-world of the Old Javanese 'Kakawin'"
5. 青山亨(AA研共同研究員,東京外国語大学) "The significance of "mok?a" in the Ramayana reliefs in the light of Old Javanese texts"
6. discussion
7. Kartika SETYAWATI (Gadjah Mada University) "Kidung Surajaya: believers of the mountains."
8. Ben ARPS (Leiden University) "The benefits of purity in Amarta and Surakarta: the shadow play of Bima Suci, 1810s-1830s"
9. George QUINN (Australian National University) "A textual history of the tenth 'wali'"
10. discussion

1. Nancy FLORIDA (University of Michigan) "Ronggasasmita's 'Suluk Aceh': Syattari metaphysics in Javanese Sufi poems composed in 1815 Aceh"
2. 宮崎恒二(AA研所員) "Javanese Calendar and Myth: Story of 'Watu Gunung'"
3. Ronit RICCI (Australian National University, Hebrew University) "Muslim and Javanese in the diaspora: preliminary thoughts about Javanese experiences in colonial Ceylon"
4. Willem van der Molen(AA研共同研究員,KITLV) "The meaning of Islam in the history of the Chinese in Java according to the 'Sajarah Cina'"
5. discussion
6. 菅原由美(AA研共同研究員,大阪大学)
7. Edwin WIERINGA (University of Cologne) "Re-reading traditional Javanese literature: nineteenth-century elite court literature and the question of gender"
8. Oman FATHURAHMAN(AA研共同研究員,UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) "A further discussion on the Javanese Islamic manuscripts in the British Library Collection
9. Saiful UMAM (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) "Glocalization of early printed 'pegon' texts"
10. discussion

1. about Javanese Concordance
2. Closing


