2015 Activity Report

March Activity Report

March 2016
Global Japan Office Coordinator

In the first half of this month, the TUFS “Short Stay Summer Program 2016” was publicly announced. The target for the course was mainly students who belonged to the Japanese language major within the faculty of Humanities at the University of Guanajuato. There was a lot of interest shown from the students however, due to the fact there was only half a month until the application deadline, many thought it would have been best to postpone this year and try again next year. In the end, the program this summer was held and the student Francisco Vargas Gasca, from the Natural Sciences Department was able to participate in this program.

In the 4th week of this month teaching staff from the University of the Ryukyus visited Guanajuato city. The purpose of the visit was to determine whether or not an agreement would be concluded between both universities. However during the visiting period the University of Guanajuato was in the middle of a long vacation and so instead of the International Department, the GJO coordinator, Ms. Kanazawa gave a tour of the university and explained the current situation of the agreement between the University of Guanajuato and TUFS as well as describing the lifestyle of the students studying abroad here.

At the Japanese Language Department here at the University of Guanajuato we are asking for assistance from the Japanese students who are studying abroad here to help with the conversational classes. Ms. Haruka Hashimoto, a student from TUFS is assisting us with the beginner class which is held on Mondays. We are anticipating a rise in the number of students who show an interest towards Japanese language education. At the Japanese Language Department due to the advancement of Japanese companies, the numbers of students who start to learn Japanese are rising every year and so I believe assistance from Japanese students studying abroad such as Ms. Hashimoto will become even more important in the future.