Current Staff and Students from the Partner Universities

Current staff and students from the following partner universities and institutions can use the library without a letter of introduction.

If you belong to a university that is a member of the Tama Academic Consortium (TAC), please see the TAC Member Schools page.

Partner Universities & InstitutionsType of PartnershipServicesDate of Execution
Date of Enforcement
Chuo UniversityCross-use AgreementsBrowsing
Imaging & Copying
Borrowing (Only for graduate students who take courses at TUFS through credit transfer.)
Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityCross-use Agreements Browsing
Imaging & Copying
Borrowing (Only for graduate students who take courses at TUFS through credit transfer.)
Tokyo Medical and Dental UniversityConfederation of the Four UniversitiesBrowsing
Imaging & Copying
Borrowing (Only for those who will take the “Multidisciplinary Course” as a “Special Auditing Student”.)
Tokyo Institute of TechnologyConfederation of the Four Universities Browsing
Imaging & Copying
Borrowing (Only for those who will take the “Multidisciplinary Course” as a “Special Auditing Student”.)
Hitotsubashi UniversityConfederation of the Four Universities /
Tama Region Five University
Imaging & Copying
Borrowing (Only for those who will take the “Multidisciplinary Course” as a “Special Auditing Student”.)
Tokyo Gakugei UniversityTama Region Five University Browsing
Imaging & Copying
Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyTama Region Five UniversityBrowsing
Imaging & Copying
The University of Electro-CommunicationsTama Region Five University Browsing
Imaging & Copying
Other National UniversitiesJapan Association of National University LibrariesBrowsing
Imaging & Copying
Institute of Developing EconomiesCross-use AgreementsBrowsing
Imaging & Copying

How to enter library

Please bring your ID card issued from your institution.

※Please come to the Service Counter between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays.
※The members of Institute of Developing Economies can apply TUFS Library Card and borrow books.

If you wish to reserve specific materials for your visit

Please check the holdings and usage through the library of your university.

In-Person Services

Borrowing Books

Please check the table above to see if you can borrow books.

CategoryLoan PeriodVolumes
Special Auditing Student2 weeks10
Credited Auditors (Undergraduates) 2 weeks10
Credited Auditors (Graduate Students)1 month20
Institute of Developing Economies Staff2 weeks5

Browsing the library

Plan your visit to the TUFS Library via Floor Guide and Online Catalogue (OPAC)


Service hours

Until 15 min. before closing time

B/W (self-service)\10 per page
Color (self-service)\50 per page
B/W (photocopying by a library staff)\35 per page
Color (photocopying by a library staff)\75 per page
  • We don’t provide money exchange services.
  • Some collections (eg. Rare books) need photocopying by a library staff.
  • Photocopying by a library staff is until 15:00 on weekdays.

Using e-resources

Users can search and browse e-books, e-journal and online database, which are granted for walk-in users.
There is a computer for visitors on 2nd floor. Please come to the Service Counter before use.

※ The computer for visitor is only for using e-resources, therefore document creation and E-mail are not available.
  In addition, all users can use 3 OPAC terminals on the 2nd floor until 15 minutes before the library closes.

Service hours

9:00-17:00 on weekdays


Use of Library materials

  • You cannot borrow or bring the materials out of the library.
    If you want to borrow the materials, please contact the library of your university or neighboring public libraries.
  • Please make an application at the Service Counter by 5:00pm on weekdays if you want to use the materials which are kept in the closed stacks.
    In the case that you have made a request to us to keep the materials before visiting and gotten a “confirmation” message from us, you can use the materials after office hours.
  • Please use reading desks in the library for browsing the materials.
    Please note that you cannot use Private Study and Group Study room.
  • You can use the computer you brought with you, but please prepare your own Wi-Fi or other equipment to connect to the Internet.

Behavior in the Library

Please refrain from the following behaviors.

  • Smoking
    Please use the smoking areas of the university.
  • Drinking and eating
    Please put your food and beverages in your bag before entering the library.
  • Making a phone call
    Please use the “refresh area” on the 2nd floor for making a phone call.

Please see the leaflet for visitors for details. (You can also get one at the library.)