Guidance for Classes and Seminars

The library provides guidance about how to search academic information to students enrolled in classes and seminars upon request from teachers.

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, guidance is currently not available in the library. (For the time being, from 14 April 2020)
Therefore, we have created a video explaining how to use the database, so please use it.

  • To play the video you need a browser that supports the video tag.
  • This is a video of images only, there is no sound.
The way to search for materials in the library using OPAC, the use of materials from other universities, and services on the website.
The way to access databases and how to use databases from off-campus.
The way to use the humanities & social science treatise search database “ProQuest”.
The way to use “PressReader”, a search database for newspapers and magazines around the world.

The content of the guidance can also be adapted to suit your needs, such as major language, major field of study, type of databases, etc.
Please feel free to contact us for further information.

The guidance handouts are available for your reference.
The content can be customized to suit the theme of your report or presentation, so please contact the library staff for advice.

■ Contact information:

TUFS Library Service Section
Email : tosho-service[at] / TEL : 042-330-5196

Results (last 3 years)

What we do: Library tour, how to find books in different languages, how to find articles in Japanese and English, how to use reference management software, etc.