Final Essay About my Stay in Japan
Greetings from Rwanda (Africa), I hope you are all doing better in these challenging days of the pandemic. I'm writing to inform you about how my exchange program at TUFS from November 2020 to July 2021 ended and how I'm currently doing after my exchange program.
First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and endless thanks to whoever directly or indirectly supported me during my stay in Japan. Importantly, I would like to thank all the members of the crowdfunding group who catered for my flight to and from Japan and some other living expenses while in Japan. I really wished to meet with some of them in person but unfortunately, I met none as Covid-19 hampered physical interactions. In the same sense, I would like to extend my thanks to Africa Studies Center-TUFS and the Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa), TUFS for their endless support and willingness to support me whenever I needed their help. I can't forget to thank my Japanese language professor Nanae Sakuta sensei who accepted to teach me Japanese alone in the class, the little Japanese I speak is because of her support. To all of my professors, students, friends and former exchange students at TUFS and outside of TUFS, thanks for your kind support, you made my stay in Japan so memorable and educative. I hope we can meet in the future once more.
Back to my academic and social life in Japan. I started my exchange program at TUFS in the fall semester in November 2020, this was the most challenging semester for me as I started it while online in Rwanda with 7 hours time difference. I was scared I would not make it to Japan as the pandemic was too much those days. Fortunately, I managed to come to Japan and continued the fall semester online. I took 8 courses in this semester, 2 courses in winter intensive, and 11 courses in the spring semester. At the end of the program, I had taken 21 courses related to Japanese culture, language, history, politics, economy and development as that was my objective. Honestly, I felt a bit sad when I attended most of my classes online. I wanted to experience real campus life in Japan without restrictions. However, I was lucky that I was always invited to attend some tours physically or online and with the support of many other people, my stay in Japan was very wonderful. With an exception of the covid-19 pandemic, I faced no other challenges.
Currently, I resumed my studies at my home university in Rwanda and working on my graduation thesis. After my graduation, I'm planning to apply and come back to Japan for my master's degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at TUFS or Hiroshima City University. I have formed a project that helps Japanese students who are researching African countries to easily access information. This project also helps the Japanese exchange students at my home university to get used to the African lifestyle. I also help Japanese universities or high schools to organize online tours with African students in order to learn from each other. My project has already helped a master's student from Chuo University, three students from TUFS, one Ikubunkan Global High School student, a group of MPJ Youth members in organizing an online tour with Makerere University students, Uganda, one student from Yokohama City University, three Japanese students at my home university. Once I get enough support in the future, I'm planning to organize and develop this project into an academic foundation or platform that support intercultural and academic activities between Japanese students and African students.
Sincerely, I already miss Japan too much, especially my friends, and participating in different activities in which I always learnt new things. I miss the Japanese food too, it's not easy to get it here in Africa. Japan was very amazing for me as each day was like learning something different especially about cultures. Currently, my second name at my home university is "Japanese boy" since I like giving examples from Japan.
2021年3月14~18日、アフリカに関心があり日本でアフリカについて情報発信する学生団体、MPJ Youthの活動に参加しました。14日には顔合わせをしたあと、PIASSの平和クラブのメンバーとオンラインでミーティング。15日には日本の伝統的な遊びを楽しんだあと、2つのグループに分かれて観光へ。グループのメンバーとはまるでずっと昔から知り合いかのようにすぐに仲良くなりました。そして再びPIASS平和クラブとオンライン・セッションを行い、日本とアフリカの文化を学び合いました。夜には友人たちの勧めでラーメンに挑戦し、好きな日本食のひとつに加わりました。16日にはルワンダのジェンダー家族推進省に関する講義がありましたが、これは日本語で行われたため参加せず、個人的に友人に会うため渋谷にある国連大学を訪問。17日にはシャルル・ムリガンデ元駐日ルワンダ大使によるオンライン・セミナーが行われ、ルワンダの教育システムの変遷について学びました。セミナー後にはグループのメンバーと東京スカイツリーや浅草を訪問。最終日の18日は夕方にルワンダの私立高校とオンライン・セッション。日中には前日とは異なるグループのメンバーと共に上野にある国立科学博物館を訪ね、その後もんじゃ焼きを味わいました。今回の勉強会では新しいことをたくさん経験することができ、メンバーの数人とはとても親しくなりました。2022年3月にはMPJ Youthとウガンダの大学をつなぐイベントに協力する予定です。
北海道大学が行う事業Study in Japan for Africaの留学促進のためのミュージック・ビデオに出演しました。僕自身、日本とアフリカの学生に知識を広めることに情熱を注いでいるので参加を決心したのです。寮から出て授業に向かうところや図書館で勉強している姿、またジムで運動しているようすを撮影しました。アフリカへ戻って以来、日本での体験を聞かれるたびに僕はこのビデオを見せています。