
言語教育学演習2014(木3 前・後期)


  • 201教室に変更になりました(5月15日より)


  • コーパスを用いた学習者英語分析と教材作成への応用 (J)


  • コーパス言語学の基礎的概念の習得とその応用分野としての CEFR 準拠の学習者データのコーパス分析の概要を知る。


  • コーパス言語学の基礎概念をテキストを購読しながら学ぶと同時に,コーパス処理の基礎を習得する。 


  • テキストを用いた専門知識の理解と Sketch Engine というコーパス検索システムの使用法に習熟する。
第1回(4/10) イントロダクション:コーパスと言語教材作成
第2回(4/17) コーパス言語学の基礎(1):コーパスの定義と歴史的変遷 (CBLS Unit A1)
第3回(5/ 1) コーパス言語学の基礎(2):代表性・バランス・標本      (CBLS Unit A2) + 宿題(Unit A5・A8 --> summary in English)
第4回(5/15) コーパス言語学の基礎(3):Markup & annotation         (CBLS Unit A3 & A4) + 宿題(Unit A7 --> summary in English)
第5回(5/29) コーパス言語学の基礎(4):コーパスと応用分野          (CBLS Unit A10)
第6回(6/ 5) コーパス言語学の基礎(5):コーパスと辞書              (CBLS Unit C1) + BNCWeb の基本的な使い方とコロケーション統計
第7回(6/12) コーパス言語学の基礎(6):コーパスと文法研究          (CBLS Unit C2) + Sketch Engine を使った help (to) の検索実習
第8回(6/19) コーパス言語学の基礎(7):コーパスと言語習得研究      (CBLS Unit C3)
第9回(6/26) コーパス言語学の基礎(8):コーパスと翻訳研究          (CBLS Unit C6)
第10回(7/ 3) CEFR準拠の学習者データの分析(1):CEFR の概要と English Profile
第11回(7/10) CEFR準拠の学習者データの分析(2):English Profile の学習者データ分析 の概要
第12回 CEFR準拠の学習者データの分析(3):エラータグ付与の実際
第13回 CEFR準拠の学習者データの分析(4):基準特性抽出の研究概観
第14回 CEFR準拠の学習者データの分析(5):学習者コーパスの種類と基礎的な処理 演習
第15回 まとめと検索処理のテスト


書名Corpus-based language studies : an advanced resource book
著者名McEnery?, T., Xiao, R., & Tono, Y.




Discussion questions

  • Chapter 1:
  • What is a corpus? Discuss some common features by comparing different definitions.
  • Why use computers to study language? What is your intuitive answer to this? What other reasons did you find in the text?
  • Discuss the use of corpora and the use of intuition. Are they mutually exclusive?
  • Is corpus linguistics a methodology or a theory?
  • How different are corpus-based vs. corpus-driven approaches? Can you think of any concrete examples?
  • Chapter 2:
  • 2.2
  • What is "representativeness"?
  • What does it mean when Biber says "Representativeness refers to the extent to which a sample includes the full range of variabilityin a population." (p.13)
  • What are "internal" and "external" criteria used to select texts for a corpus? (p.14)
  • The authors say that it is problematical to use internal criteria as the primary parameters for the selection of corpus data. Why? (p.14)
  • Explain what Biber calls a 'cyclical fashion'? (p.14)
  • Static sample corpora, if resampled, may also allow the study of language change over time. (p.15) How?
  • 2.3
  • What are "general" vs. "specialized" corpora? How is representativeness achieved in these corpora?
  • 2.4
  • How is the acceptable balance of a corpus determined?
  • Any claim of corpus balance is largely an act of faith. (p.16) What does this mean?
  • Explain the design of the British National Corpus, using the terms 'domain', 'time', 'medium', 'demographic' and 'context-governed'. How is it balanced?
  • Elaborate on the following statements:
    • Representativeness links to research questions. (p.18)
    • Representativeness is a fluid concept. (p.18)
  • 2.5
  • Explain the notion of sampling using the following terms:
    • sample/ population/ sampling unit/ sampling frame
  • What is the difference between 'simple random sampling' and 'stratified random sampling'?
  • Describe pros and cons of 'full text samples'
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.2
    • What are the three reasons for corpus mark-up? Discuss each case with complete examples.
  • 3.3
    • Here, you should at least familiarize yourself with the following schemes:
      • COCOA (dated)
      • TEI (current standard) << website >>
           --> header vs. body
        Q1. What does the TEI header specify?
        Q2. What kind of information is in the TEI body?
  • Corpus Encoding Standard (CES) & XCES << website >>
  • Chapter 4
  • What is corpus annotation and how is it different from corpus mark-up?
  • 4.2
    • What are the four advantages for corpus annotation?
    • What are some of the criticisms against corpus annotation? What is the authors' response?
  • 4.3
  • Look at concrete examples for each type of annotation:
  • Problem-oriented annotation
  • Chapter 5-9
  • Make a summary on your own
  • Chapter 10
  • Summarize the use of corpus data in the following areas briefly
  • The major areas of linguistics
    • lexicographic and lexical studies (10.2)
    • grammatical studies (10.3)
    • register variation and genre analysis (10.4)
    • dialect distinction and language variety (10.5)
    • contrastive and translation studies (10.6)
    • diachronic study and language change (10.7)
    • language learning and teaching (10.8)
  • Other areas which have started to use corpus data
    • Semantics (10.9)
    • Pragmatics (10.10)
    • Sociolinguistics (10.11)
    • Discourse analysis (10.12)
    • Stylistics and literary studies (10.13)
    • Forensic linguistics (10.14)
  • What is the limitation of corpus data? (10.15)

Sketch Engine CQL memo

  • help + bare infinitives
    • Brown Family の CLAWS7 tagset の検索式:
      • [lemma="help"] [tag="VVI|VV0"]
  • help + to + V
    • [lemma="help"] [lemma="to"] [tag="VVI"]
  • make + a + adj(optional) + NOUN
    • [lemma="make"] [word="a"] [tag="JJ"]? [tag="NN1"]


  • js-STAR
    • web で計算できる統計

Sample data for error tagging

TUTORIALS: Corpus query tools

  • 学内では IP auth をクリックすれば,どこからでもアクセスできます


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Last-modified: 2014-06-19 (木) 14:32:08 (3871d)