

こんにちは。渡辺史子です。 ・英語専攻3年 ・千葉県出身  ・趣味:写真、テニス ・某英会話教室で教えています。 ・ここ3ヶ月で過去3年分くらい頭を使いました。 よろしくおねがいします。

Tono Zemi

Presentation (July 10)

  • Analysis of the use of the verb "come" between JEFLL and BNC
  • The collocation patterns of the verb "come" in JEFLL

(Show your data here)

	0		1		2	
1	come		to	209	.	73
2	632		back	58	our	72
3			.	42	school	43
4			here	36	the	29
5			in	25	my	25
6			our	25	see	25
7			,	21	[jp]	24
8			TRUE	16	,	20
9			[jp]	13	to	20
10			and	13	me	17
11			on	12	!	13
12			home	10	i	11
13			from	8	and	9
14			my	8	many	9
15			with	8	home	8
16			again	6	again	7
17			it	6	here	7
18			many	6	class	6
19			soon	6	"	5
20			out	5	a	5
  • It makes up approximately 0.09% of the whole vocablary.
  • The numbers of the occurences of each consecutive parts of speech are as follows: 4 articles; 59 adjectives; 162 adverbs; 16 conjunctions; 27 nouns; 215 prepositions; 23 pronouns; and 43 TO-infinitives.
  • Within the 2-gram concordances, 122 obvious misuses are found; It makes up 19.30% of the sentences including 'come'.
  • The collocation patterns of the verb "come" in BNC
come  29604  VVI 
come  23862  VVB 
come  13204  VVN 
  • It acounts for 0.0073% of the whole vacabulary.
  • There are 734 items of 2-grams.
  • In the top 20 2-grams, the part of speech most frequently appear after the verb is adverb.
  • In the top 20 3-grams, the part of speech most frequently appear after the verb is preposition.

Japanese students have made so many mistakes; As the conclusion, I should say that considerable number of students cannot tell whether 'come' is a transitive verb or an intransitive verb.

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Last-modified: 2008-07-17 (木) 21:57:45 (5901d)