Inter-University Exchange Project
What is an Inter-University Exchange Project?
The Inter-University Exchange Project initiative is a series of projects that aim to nurture global human resources who can work on an international stage, and strengthen the global development of university education. These projects also aim to devise a guaranteed quality higher education system while supporting international education cooperation efforts with universities in target countries/regions that implement strategic international exchanges of both national and foreign students. The Inter-University Exchange Project initiative was begun by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2011.
The following projects were created by TUFS and selected by MEXT as part of this initiative.
~Supporting the Formation of Relations with Central and South American Universities~
A Co-Creative Education Program of Humanities and Sciences to Solve Global Issues Confronting Japan and Latin America
(In Cooperation with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and The University of Electro-Communications)
This project is a collaborative initiative between TUFS, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), and The University of Electro-Communications (UEC) that aims to jointly foster human resources who will develop a practical vision and take an active role in the global community to solve global-level issues including environment, resources, energy, food, and socioeconomic development that affect Latin America and Japan.
Participating Universities:
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and The University of Electro-Communications.
Partner Universities:
University of Campinas, UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista), Rio De Janeiro State University, Federal University of Paranà, Chapingo Autonomous University, University of Guanajuato, National Autonomous University of Mexico, National Polytechnic Institute, EAFIT University, National University of La Plata, National Agrarian University.
~Supporting the Formation of Relations with Universities in ASEAN Countries~
TUFS Japan Specialist Program for the Enhancement of Japanese Language and Cultural Outreach in Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia
This program aims to set up two-way exchange opportunities for both Japanese students studying Burmese, Laotian, or Khmer, and students from Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia who have an interest in Japan. The overall goal of this program is to cultivate Japanese experts of Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia, and to foster human resources from these three countries that can speak Japanese, understand Japanese society, and act as bridges between their own countries and Japan.
ASEAN Partner Universities:
University of Yangon, National University of Laos, Royal University of Phnom Penh.
ASEAN Inter-University Project Homepage (link in Japanese)
~Supporting Formation of Relations with Russian Universities~
TUFS Japan-Russia Student Mobility Program: Creating Business Networks and Fostering Human Interaction
This program is a collaborative initiative between TUFS and six renowned Russian universities. This program is comprised of three types of exchange programs – short-term and long-term exchange programs and an internship program – and will strengthen Russia-related education, Japan-related education, and practical economic education at each university in order to foster ‘Japan-Russia Human Resources’ that are knowledgeable in all things Japan and Russia and economics, have good communication skills, and can negotiate economic and cultural relations between the two countries.
Russian Partner Universities:
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russian State University for the Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics, The Faculty of Philology and Arts, St. Petersburg State University, Far Eastern Federal University.
RUSSIA Inter-University Project Homepage
~Supporting the Formation of Relations with Universities in the USA~
Trans-Pacific Collaborative Online International Learning for the Multiculturalism and Conflict- Resilience
In collaboration with International Christian University, this project is to conduct lectures and discussions using an online education method (COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning) with partner universities mainly in the California area, United States.
Taking the advantage of the COIL-type education, we promote the study abroad and provide the internship opportunities for both Japan/US students, and we aim to develop versatile, flexible, and public-spirited global citizens.
Partner Universities:
San Diego State University
The State University of New York at Albany
The State University of New York at Stony Brook
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Riverside
University of California, Irvine
California State University, Northridge
University of California
University of California, Santa Barbara
The University of Southern California
U.S.A. Inter-University Project Homepage
~EU-Japan Joint Master Program~
TUFS Global Human Resources Development Program for the Promotion of Mutual Understanding between Japan and Europe using "History in the Public Sphere" as the Key Concept
Under the theme of “History in the Public Sphere ", this program is a double-degree master’s program jointly operated by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and four EU universities. Participating students will join students selected by the EU and study together in English, moving from one semester to another at three or more universities in Japan and the EU in pursuit of two master's degrees. Based on the knowledge of history and historical research, this program will foster global human resources who can put it into practice in a broader social perspective.
Eurozone Partner Universities:
Central European University (Hungary, Austria), University of Florence (Italy), NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), Inalco University (France).
EU Inter-University Project Homepage:
~Support for the Formation of Collaborative Programs with African Universities~
Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa's SDGs
This program consists of several international co-educational sub-programs that aim to build grounds for co-creating innovative projects through fieldwork in Africa and training in Japan and Africa by applying accumulated knowledge in African Studies and providing interfaculty curricula that go beyond the frameworks of the arts and sciences.
Domestic Partner Universities:
Kyoto University
African Partner Universities:
Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (Republic of Rwanda), University of Ghana (Republic of Ghana), University of Zambia (Republic of Zambia), University of Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Stellenbosch University (Republic of South Africa).
AFRICA Inter-University Project Homepage