

Excavation of the Lal-lo Shell Middens



Grant-in-Aid for International Scientific Research (Field Research)

The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture


                                                                                                                                         研究代表者    小川 英文


                                                                                                                                      Hidefumi Ogawa                                                                                                                                                               Tokyo University of Foreign Studies



      研究代表者      小川英文(東京外国語大学・外国語学部・助教授)

      研究分担者      青柳洋治(上智大学・外国語学部・教授、アジア文化研究所・所長)

      研究分担者      小池裕子(理学博士・九州大学・大学院・教授)

      研究分担者      樋泉岳二(早稲田大学・文学部・講師)

      研究分担者      ウイルフレド・ロンキリオ(フィリピン国立博物館・考古学部門・部長)

      研究分担者      ユセビオ・ディソン(文学博士・フィリピン国立博物館・考古学部門・首席研究員)

      研究協力者      田中和彦(上智大学・文学部・講師)

      研究協力者      大井信夫(理学博士)

      研究協力者  松村博文(理学博士・国立科学博物館・人類研究部・研究官)



青柳洋治・小川英文・田中和彦(Aoyagi, Y. Ogawa, H. and Tanaka, K.)

1996     「フィリピン北部、マガピット貝塚の発掘と出土装身具」、国分直一先生米寿記念論文集 劉茂源編『ヒト・モノ・コトバの人類学』:pp372-383、慶友社 (Magapit Shell Midden Excavation and its Ornaments. In Special Issue for the Eighty-eight years anniversary of Dr. Kokubu, Naoichi. Ryu Mogen (ed.) Anthropology of Man, Material and Language.372-389. Keiyusha, Tokyo. In Japanese)

Aoyagi, Y., H. Ogawa and K. Tanaka

     1997      Excavation, and Ornaments Discovered at the Magapit Shell-midden Site, in Northern Luzon. 『上智アジア学』15: 167-180.

Bautista, Angel

      1996a   Animal/Human Remains from Bangag I, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

      1996b   Animal Remains from Dombrique Site, Catugan, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

      1996c   Field Report on Lal-lo Archaeology Project, August-September 1996. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

      1997     Zoo archaeological materials from Bangag Archaeological Site. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

de la Torre, Amalia

      1995     Brief Report: The Lal-lo, Cagayan Archaeological Project 1995. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

1996    Brief Report: Cagayan Valley Archaeological Project, Santa Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan from February 7 to March 3, 1996. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

1997       Rapid Cave Assessment Report of Mabangog Cave located at San Mariano, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

2000      Preliminary Report of the Lal-lo, Cagayan Archaeological Project: Clemente Irigayen Property Site (II-1995-O), Sta. Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan. 『東南アジア考古学』20: 67-110.

Garong, Ame M.

1996a   A Report on the Archaeological Excavation in Fausto Sison Sr., Shell Midden Site in Barangay Catayauan, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

1996b   Progress Report on the 1996 Archaeological Excavation of the Conciso Property Shell Midden Site in Barangay Catayauan, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

小川英文(Ogawa, Hidefumi)

1996a   『狩猟採集民ネグリトの考古学ー共生関係が提起する諸問題ー』、スチュアート ヘンリ()『採集狩猟民の現在』:183-222, 言叢社(Archaeology of the Negrito Hunter-Gatherers - the archaeological problems on the Symbiotic, Interdependent relationships between Hunter-gatherers and Farmers. Henry Stuart (ed.) Gatherer-Hunter, Today. : 183-222. Tokyo: Gensosha,. In Japanese)  

1996b   「東南アジア考古学への招待」、吉村作治編『世界考古学』:65108、有斐閣 (Introduction to Southeast Asian Archaeology. In S. Yoshimura (ed.) World Archaeology: 65-108. Tokyo: Yuhikaku. In Japanese)

1997    「貝塚洪水伝説ーフィリピン、ルソン島北部カガヤン河下流域における貝採集民の民族考古学 『東南アジア考古学』17:119-166(Shell Midden was made by the Noachian Deluge.-Ethnoarchaeology of the Shell Middens and Shell Gatherers in the Lower Cagayan River, Northern Luzon, Philippines-. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology 17:119-166. In Japanese)

1998       Problems and Hypotheses on the Prehistoric Lal-lo, Northern Luzon, Philippines - Archaeological Study on the        Prehistoric Interdependence between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers in the Tropical Rain Forest -『東南アジア考古学』10: 123-166

1999a   「東南アジアと日本の貝塚の比較」『季刊考古学』66:29-34 (The Comparison between Southeast Asian and Japanese Shell Midden Sites. Quaternary Journal of Archaeology 66:29-34. In Japanese)

1999b   考古学者が提示する狩猟採集社会イメージ」『民族学研究』63-2:192-202 (Archaeologist’s Image of Hunter-Gatherers in Southeast Asia. The Japanese Journal of Ethnology 63-2:192-202. In Japanese)

1999c       Excavation of the Mabangog Cave, San Mariano, Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines.『東南アジア考古学』19: 93-114, Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology19: 93-114

1999d   「自然と生業」上智大学アジア文化研究所編『新版入門東南アジア研究』:23-35、めこん (Natural settings and Subsistence of Southeast Asia. In Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University (ed.) Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies, new edition: 23-35. Tokyo: Mekong. In Japanese)

1999e   「東南アジア 発掘の歴史と考古学」、吉村作治編『東南アジアの華アンコール・ボロブドゥール』、平凡社

2000a   「狩猟採集民と農耕民の交流−相互関係の視角−」、小川英文編『交流の考古学』: 266-295、岩崎卓也監修『シリーズ 現代の考古学』第5巻、朝倉書店 (Prehistoric Interactions between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers- special reference on the interdependency. In H. Ogawa (ed.) Archaeology of Interactions. (Archaeology Today Series Vol. 5), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. In Japanese).

2000b   「総論 交流考古学の可能性」、小川英文編『交流の考古学』: 1-20、岩崎卓也監修『シリーズ 現代の考古学』第5巻、朝倉書店(Introduction - Perspectives in Archaeology of Interaction. In H. Ogawa (ed.) Archaeology of Interactions. (Archaeology Today Series Vol. 5), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. In Japanese).

Orogo, Alfredo
1995      Preliminary Report: Result: Result of Archaeological Exploration and Excavation conducted at Lal-lo, Cagayasn Province, July 28 to August 26, 1995. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

Ronquillo, W. P. and H. Ogawa

1996     The Calatagan Archaeological Project: A Summary Report.『東南アジア考古学』16:133-147. (Journal of Southeast Asian

Archaeology16: 133-147

田中和彦(Tanaka , Kazuhiko)

1996     「ルソン島北部における方角石斧に伴う土器の検討ー沈潜による連続菱形文土器の検討ー」『東南アジア考古学』16:149-160 (The Typological Analysis of the Pottery associated with the Quadrangular Stone Adzes excavated in Northern Luzon - The analysis of the pottery with the incised diamond pattern and a circular impression in each diamond pattern-. Journal of Southeast Asian
16:149-160. in Japanese)

1997a   「カトゥガン貝塚の発掘調査」『東南アジア考古学』17:210-225 (Preliminary Report of the Excavation of Catugan Shell-midden, Lal-lo Cagayan, Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology 17:210-225, in Japanese)

      1997b   The Kite Photography of Bangag I Shell-midden Site, Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology17 :197 -209.

1998a    Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Excavation of Catugan Shell-midden (Dombrique Site), Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. 『千葉敬愛短期大学初等教育科紀要』第20号:149-177

      1998b   「サン・ロレンソIII貝塚(シリバン遺跡)の発掘調査とその問題」『東南アジア考古学』18:263-289

1998c      Problems and Excavation of San Lorenzo III Shell Midden (Siriban Site), Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. Bulletin of Showa Academia Musicae 18: 109-135.

1998d   「ルソン島北部、ラロ貝塚群、バガッグI貝塚の発掘調査と若干の問題」『上智アジア学』16: 171-211

1998e   「ルソン島北部、カガヤン川中流域、サンタ・マリア町、キナビガン村の土器作り」『環境情報研究』6: 123-152

1999a   「フィリピン、ラロ貝塚−巨大貝塚の発掘と成果」『季刊考古学』66: 75-78

1999b   The Archaeological Excavation of Bangag I Shell Midden, Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. 『東南アジア考古学』19: 71-92

2000     「長距離交易とフィリピン低地社会の社会統合過程」、小川英文編『交流の考古学』、岩崎卓也監修『シリーズ 現代の考古学』第5巻、朝倉書店 (Long Distance Trade and Process of Social Integration in the Philippine Lowland Society. In H. Ogawa (ed.) Archaeology of Interactions. (Archaeology Today Series Vol. 5), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. In Japanese).


      1999     Batissa childreniの季節的成長パターンと死亡季節査定の可能性(予察)」『東南アジア考古学』19: 57-69



1. Hidefumi Ogawa (小川英文)

Shell Midden was made by the Noachian Deluge- Prehistory of the Lower Cagayan River, Northern Luzon, Philippines -. International Conference for the Philippines Studies, Hawaii University, May, 1996  国際フィリピン研究者会議発表要旨、ハワイ大学、1996

2. Hidefumi Ogawa and Kazuhiko Tanaka(小川英文・田中和彦)

Excavation and Ornaments Discovered at the Magapit Shell-midden Site in Northern Luzon, Philippines.

SPAFA Conference on Current Development of Southeast Asian Archaeology and Museum Studies. National Museum, Manila, Philippines, May 5 to 11, 1997. SPAFA東南アジア考古学者会議発表要旨、フィリピン国立博物館、マニラ、1997

3. 小川英文


Archaeologist’s Images of Hunter-Gatherers in Southeast Asian Archaeology. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Ethnology at Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, May 1998.

4. Hidefumi Ogawa(小川英文)

Image of Jomon Hunter-Gatherers Represented by Japanese Archaeology. 第8回狩猟採集民研究国際会議(Paper presented at the 8th International Conference for the Hunter-Gatherers Studies (CHAGS 8), at National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Oct., 1998)発表要旨、国立民族学博物館、大阪、1998

5. 小川英文

「東南アジアと日本の貝塚の比較」、東南アジア考古学会 23回大会、東京大学、1999622

6. 田中和彦


7. 田中和彦


8. 田中和彦


9. 田中和彦

「フィリピン、カカヤン川下流域ラロ貝塚群の考古学調査―バガッグI (Bangag I)貝塚の考古学的調査と出土遺物―」、上智史学会第48回大会、19981122

10. 田中和彦


11. 田中和彦




小川英文(Ogawa, Hidefumi)

1998     「フィリピンで考古学?」『月刊Keidanren』第46 2:58-59、経済団体連合会(Archaeology in the Philippines? Keidanren 46-2: 58-59. In Japanese.)