
Ovid Tzeng Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica

  • development of cognitive neuroscience
    • MRI units for humanities
  • Memory research
    • words or characters in experiments
    • all the studies used English alphabets
      • Awareness of other writing system
  • discovery of oracle writings
  • Greek scholars
  • Callimachus 8305 BC)
    • poet, index system for the library
  • Philates
    • first dictionary
  • Britanicca
    • no more exist??
  • MIND
    • long-term memory
      • language, episodic memory, visual semantics
    • central executive
      • phonological loop, episodic buffer, visuospatial sketchpad
      • grapho-motorical processing is also necessary
  • language
    • phonology, semantics, syntax, orthography
  • information in the prints
    • affordance thoery of scriptal stability
    • orthographic equilibrium hypothesis
      • how transparent
  • morphological & contextual information
    • Cerebellum
      • size comparable to the body size in other animals
      • in the case of human, this does not apply
  • Equipment
    • MRI
    • MEG
    • TMS
    • ERP
      • NI
      • N1: early sensory component
      • P200: detection and analysis of higher-level visual features, guided by attention
      • N400: elicited by any meaningful items, related to understanding
  • Eye Tracker
  • Eye Tracker + ERP
  • Reading processes
    • graphic: Y
    • phonetic: Y
    • morphological: Y
    • orthographic: Y
    • associative or semantic: not sure
    • bidirectional:
  • use of the components of Chinese characters (radicals or main parts)
    • phonogram reading
      • priming effects will occur
  • Visual word form area
  • Chinese character processing
    • word reading
    • frequency effects
  • Young learners do not write much
    • so they make many errors in writing Chinese characters

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Last-modified: 2012-04-20 (金) 11:51:14 (4535d)