多文化共生イノベーション研究育成フェローシップ(MIRAI)奨学生制度 / MIRAI Fellowship

本事業は、文部科学省の科学技術イノベーション創出に向けた大学フェローシップ創設事業(ボトムアップ型 6名/年度)の支援を受けて実施します。

In April 2021, a comprehensive support program has been launched for doctoral students to help them develop a career path that is not limited to academia.
This program has been implemented with support from the MEXT (bottom-up type, 6 fellows/year).

本フェローシップ説明動画 / Movie about MIRAI Fellowship

1.概要 / Overview

『多文化共生イノベーション研究育成フェローシップ(MIRAI)奨学生制度』 は、総合国際学研究科博士後期課程学生(2021年度4月以降入学者)を対象とし、自身の 研究を活かした新しいキャリア形成を、研究力強化とキャリアパス開拓の両面からサポートする総合的支援制度 です。メンタリングやワークショップ、セミナー、インターンシップなどを通して、研究力の強化のみならず、狭い意味での専門研究を超えて広く異分野や社会と繋がり、多様な問題意識・課題に絡めて研究を広げる機会を提供し、社会の中で自分が果たす役割を広げようとする学生の学びと挑戦を支援していきます。また、研究及びキャリア開拓活動に専念するための経済的支援として、年間200万円(生活費相当180万円+研究費20万円)が在学中の3年間(総額600万円)支給されます。


Multi- and Inter-cultural Research and Innovation Fellowship (MIRAI) Program is a comprehensive support program for doctoral students of the Graduate School of Global Studies (entering in April 2021 or later) to help them develop a new career path based on their own research interest, both in terms of strengthening their research skills and developing a career path. This program is for students entering the Graduate School after April 2021. Through mentoring, workshops, seminars, internships, etc., the program not only strengthens research skills, but also provides opportunities for students to broaden their research beyond the narrow sense of specialized research, to connect with different scientific fields and society, and to expand their research in relation to diverse problem consciousness and issues. We will support the learning and challenges of students who seek to expand their roles in society. In addition, as financial support to devote themselves to research and career development activities, 2 million yen per year (1.8 million yen for living expenses + 200,000 yen for research expenses) will be provided (6 million yen in total) during the period of study.

*The number of recipients, the amount of support, and the period of support may be subject to change depending on the status of the national budget.

2.キャリア形成支援プログラムについて /About the Career Development Support Program


MIRAI scholars will participate in various career development support programs offered by the university to enhance their research skills and advance your research activities.


a) メンタリング

  • 研究能力強化及びキャリア形成・開拓に対する多面的サポート、アドバイス

b) 能力開発・強化支援

  • 研究力強化セミナー・ワークショップ(論文執筆;プロジェクト構想など)
  • キャリア開拓支援セミナー・ワークショップ(社会課題・企業ニーズの理解:課題解決能力強化など)

c) 機会提供

  • 研究インターンシップ(企業、自治体、国際機関など)
  • 研究コンペなど

Benefits available to MIRAI scholars

a) Mentoring

  • Multi-faceted support and advice for research capacity building and career development

b) Research capacity building and enhancement support

  • Research skill enhancement seminars and workshops (e.g., thesis writing; project planning)
  • Career development support seminars and workshops (understanding of social issues and corporate needs: strengthening problem-solving skills, etc.)

c) Provision of opportunities

  • Research internships in private companies, local governments, international organizations, etc.
  • In- and Inter-College research competitions, etc.


a) 本プログラムの活動に積極的に参加し新しい研究キャリア開拓に向けた挑戦に取り組むこと

b) 大学における共同研究活動への学生の参画を先導すること

  • 東京外国語大学グローバルスタディーズ学会
  • 四大学連合ポストコロナ社会コンソーシアム

c) 成果の刊行・発信

  • 1年間に少なくとも論文執筆1点あるいは学会発表1回
  • 論文投稿:『言語・地域文化研究』もしくは学外の学術雑誌
  • 学会発表:東京外国語大学グローバルスタディーズ学会もしくは学外の学会

d) 進捗の確認・報告

  • メンターチームとの面談による進捗確認(年2回)
  • 年度ごとの研究計画とそれに基づく研究活動報告

MIRAI Scholar Obligations: What is Expected of You?

a) To actively participate in the activities of this program and take up the challenge of developing a new research career

b) To lead the students' participation in collaborative research activities at the university

c) Publication and dissemination of results

  • At least one paper or one conference presentation per year

d) Confirmation and reporting of progress

  • Progress will be assessed through interviews with the mentor team (twice a year)
  • Research plan must be revised each year and progress report must be made accordingly

3.経済的支援について / Financial Support

〈生活費相当(名称:研究専念支援金)年間総額180万円〉 月額15万円の研究専念支援金が、2か月に一度の頻度で30万円ずつ支給されます。

〈研究費(名称:MIRAI(ミライ)研究費)年間総額20万円〉 研究を推進するための旅費、物品の購入などにあてることができる研究費が支給(年度当初に一括)されます。


Living expenses (name: Support for devotion to research) total 1.8 million yen per year. A monthly stipend of 150,000 yen will be paid every two months in the amount of 300,000 yen.

Research expenses will be paid to cover travel expenses, purchase of goods, etc. to promote research. The expenses can be used from the beginning of every fiscal year. Research expenses (name: MIRAI research expenses) totaling 200,000 yen per year. The research expenses must be kept and managed by the university, and must be used in accordance with the university's regulations. The research expenses must be used through the university's accounting division.

*The number of recipients, the amount of support, and the period of support may be subject to change depending on the status of the national budget.

4.期待される応募者 / Expected Applicants

i) プログラムの趣旨を理解し、新しい形の研究キャリアに積極的に挑戦し、形にしていく意欲のある学生

  • 挑戦意欲:大学教員のポストなど従来のポストを超えて様々な進路の可能性を追求してみる意欲がある

ii) 自らの研究の推進・展開:狭い意味での専門分野に留まることなく、広い社会的ニーズに結びつける形で研究を展開させるべく探求し続ける意欲のある学生

  • 俯瞰的な研究視野:自分の研究上の関心やトピックについてより大きな文脈での位置付け、価値づけが意識されている
  • 協働志向:他の研究者やステークホルダーとの協働を作り出しながら研究を進めていく意欲がある
  • 社会への関心:企業や自治体をはじめ、幅広いステークホルダーのニーズに関心を持ち、自分の研究力をもってそのニーズに応え課題を解決することに関心がある

i) Students who understand the purpose of the program and are willing to challenge and create a new type of research career

  • Willingness to take on new challenges: Willingness to pursue various career possibilities beyond the conventional posts such as university teaching

ii) Promotion and development of own research: Students who are willing to continue to explore ways to develop their research in a way that connects it to broader social needs, rather than staying in a narrowly specialized field

  • A bird's eye view of research: Students who are aware of the positioning and value of their research interests and topics in a larger context
  • Collaborative orientation: Willingness to conduct research while creating collaborations with other researchers and stakeholders
  • Interest in society: Interested in the needs of a wide range of stakeholders, including corporations and local governments, and in using one's research skills to meet those needs and solve problems.

5.奨学生の資格について / Eligibility for Fellowship

奨学生に一度選ばれると、3年間資格が継続します(受給総額600万円:生活費相当540万円+研究費相当60万円)。ただし、病気等やむを得ない理由で休学するような場合に限り、本制度を一時的に休止することができ、復学後に再開することができます。なお、海外留学するために休学する場合は、フェローシップ受給資格は保持され、フェローシップの給付は継続されますが、プログラム奨学生としての義務も継続しますのでご注意ください。 また、この制度は、以下の制度との両立はできませんので、いずれかを選んでいただく必要があります。

  • 日本学術振興会特別研究員
  • 国費外国人留学生
  • 本国からの奨学金を受けている留学生


Once you are selected as a fellowship recipient, your eligibility will continue for three years (total amount of 6 million yen: 5.4 million yen for living expenses + 600,000 yen for research expenses). However, in the case of a leave of absence due to illness or other unavoidable reasons, the fellowship may be temporarily suspended and resumed afterwards. Please note that if you take a leave of absence to study abroad, your fellowship eligibility will be retained and you will continue to receive fellowship benefits, but you will also continue to be obligated as a Program Scholar. This program cannot be combined with any of the following programs, so you must choose one of them.

  • Research Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship
  • International students who are receiving a scholarship from their home country

If you receive other types of scholarships, we will check the eligibility individually.

6.本件担当窓口 / Contact for this matter

メール:mirai-staff[at]tufs.ac.jp (問い合わせは、メールに限ります。[at]を@にかえて送信してください。)

E-mail: mirai-staff[at]tufs.ac.jp (Inquiries should be sent by e-mail only. Please replace [at] with @.)