彼の往復渡航費は本学の大学の世界展開力強化事業(アフリカ)でサポートし、日本学生支援機構(JASSO)より毎月支給される奨学金では十分に賄えない分の生活費を、2020年春に実施したクラウドファンディング・プロジェクト「第2弾! 紛争を乗り越えて。ルワンダの大学から留学生を招こう」で支援します。
I am Emmanuel Wepngong JATO a Cameroonian by birth pursuing Peace and Conflict Studies at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Science (PIASS) in Rwanda. I was selected for the exchange program at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Spring program 2022. My interest is to learn about the peacebuilding process of Japan from the violence and trauma due to WWII to the current peaceful state and economic development of the country. Also, to have interactions with students and professors from all over the world present at the campus which will increase my communication skills, take part in different clubs for learning and diversity of courses delivered at TUFS, and visit historical sites. I am keen on new intercultural knowledge such as Japanese language, religion, rituals and practices.
I would express my sincere gratitude to the Innovative Africa Educational Networking Program (IAfP) and Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and everyone who will be taking care of my expense of airfare and my stay in Japan. Moreover, I deeply appreciate Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and African Studies Center for giving me this great opportunity to be part of a learning program.