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  • 東京外国語大学

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中山裕美【研究発表】「Analysis of Multilateral Migration Governance in Southern Africa」




◆発表場所:UP-TUFSセミナー(University of Pretoria)

◆発表タイトル:Analysis of Multilateral Migration Governance in Southern Africa

The various efforts to develop international migration governance is active since 1990s. Thus, international migration governance has become to contain global, regional, inter-regional and bilateral approach. This presentation analyses how the regional migration governance in Southern Africa has been developed.
Efforts for establishing regional migration governance would be divided into three waves. The first wave was observed around the mid 1990's, which focuses on economic integration in particular. Although the Draft Protocol on the Free Movement and the Draft Protocol on the Facilitation of Movement was introduced in 1995 and 1997, neither of them supported by some SADC member states. The second wave was started in the early 2000's, when the Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) was established in 2000 to encourage the regional dialogue among states, which discussed various problems such as trafficking, smuggling and migrants' health. Eventually, the Protocol on The Facilitation of Movement of Persons within SADC was signed in 2005, however, it is not in effect because of ratification problems. Finally, the third wave occurred in 2010's, several action plans for SADC regional labour migration were adopted which included concrete measures to encourage cooperation for migrants' health and social protection for migrants among member states.

◆キーワード:International migration, regional governance, SADC, MIDSA