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  • 大石高典【学会発表】「Assessing the influence of education on plant-based traditional hunting knowledge among Baka hunter gatherers in East Cameroon」


大石高典【学会発表】「Assessing the influence of education on plant-based traditional hunting knowledge among Baka hunter gatherers in East Cameroon」


◆発表者:FONGNZOSSIE FEDOUNG Evariste(ドゥアラ大学)、大石高典(東京外国語大学)、NGANSOP Marlene(ヤウンデ第一大学)


◆発表場所:The Twelfth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12)(Universiti Sains Malaysia)

◆発表タイトル:Assessing the influence of education on plant-based traditional hunting knowledge among Baka hunter gatherers in East Cameroon

◆要旨:Plant-based traditional hunting knowledge in Baka societies vary with gender, age and education. However, Gender is the most influential factor.