15th Feb 2024
Ohayo Gozaimasu! I am so amazed to share with you my words of gratitude towards Tokyo University of Foreign Studies for the amazing opportunity of exchange program that been so relevant to me in so many different ways, my gratitude goes to African Studies Center for the amazing support that has been given to me and my other colleagues during my stay in Japan; my sincere gratitude goes to all the sponsor for their wonderful support during my life in Japan.
Earlier before leaving Japan, it was in July 2023, the team of Exchange Division Program organized a farewell party for all the international students who successfully enjoyed their stay in Japan; it was an amazing opportunity for me to present a two minutes speech in Japanese. I am also grateful to my Japanese friend Ayumi Kato who was so supportive helping me to proofread the speech attached below:
わたしはコンゴ民主共和国(みんしゅきょうわこく)から参(まい)りました、Amissi Nababuya Christelle です。
わたしは2022年(にせんにじゅうにねん)9 月(くがつ)に日本(にほん)にきて、今(いま)は 10 ヶ月(じゅっかげつ)たちました。まず、東京外大(とうきょうがいだい)での学(まな)びは、勉強的(べんきょうてき)にも、社会的(しゃかいてき)にも、文化的(ぶんかてき)にも、わたしにとって素晴(すば)らしい経験(けいけん)でした。
わたしたちは、大学(だいがく)のサポートをいただき、ちがう backgroundを持(も)つ人(ひと)と出会(であ)いました。
Thank you so much for the valuable and unforgettable moment that we spent together in Japan.
Life after TUFS After TUFS, life has been so amazing; despite missing Japan, I am so grateful to have other friends who are Japanese exchange students studying at PIASS.
On 30th August,2023, we had good discussion with eight students from TUFS in African Area Studies and PIASS students on a topic concerning the comparison of postwar/post genocide reconstruction in Japan and Rwanda, we shared also on what Japan and Rwanda have in common in building peace and some challenges that they are both facing. We also had calligraphy,writing names in kanji and we had some Japanese craft paper. It was crucial moment that reinforced the relationships between TUFS and PIASS students. We expect for many more joint activities in the near future.
we are PIASS, we are TUFS!
Amissi Nababuya Christelle