• アクセス
  • English
  • 東京外国語大学

Exchange Students留学生紹介




ザンビア大学より本学に交換留学しているムペルワさん(Mupelwa NAMFUKWE)さんより来日のごあいさつが届きました。ムペルワさんは2024年度春学期から1学期間の約4か月間、本学で学びます。



ザンビア大学 [ザンビア]


Hello, Muli shani.
My name is Mupelwa Namfukwe from Zambia, which is also known as the real Africa. I am a third year Development studies and project Management student at the University of Zambia.
I am so excited to be a part of this exchange program. TUFS is a visual representation of a Global community as people from different parts of the world come together and share their culture in a country full and rich in culture.
Therefore, I am looking forward to learn more about the Japanese language and third academia. My aim is to leave as a very knowledgeable student who will later share the knowledge gained to my home university.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Japan student service organization (JASSO) and the Inter University Exchange Project (IAfP) for according me this opportunity.
I am truly grateful and I'm looking forward to my stay here.