現代アフリカ地域研究センターは日本の映像人類学のプラットフォームであるAnthro-film Laboratoryが開催するオンラインミーティング「The Image-making from Africa, Part1 -Perspectives from Visual Anthropology-」を共催します。
◆Anthro-film Laboratoryリンク
Ethnographic film practices of various kinds from across the globe are entwined with new forms of audiovisual expressions and approaches. These practices detach visual anthropology from its Western colonial legacy and expand the horizon of knowledge creation, storytelling and collaborative research in humanities. The aim of this Zoom meeting of anthropologists/filmmakers from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, and Japan is to introduce Ethnographic films and visual anthropological research activities in African countries. We identify prospects and meet the challenges facing the image-making from/on Africa.
Mouadjamou Ahmadou
Mouadjamou Ahmadou is an ethnographic filmmaker, interested in the visual aspects of culture, social changes and adaptation.
He holds a PhD in Visual Anthropology at the University of Maroua in Northern Cameroon. His research interests include social and economic transformations among peasants and pastoralists.
Mitiku Gabrehiwot
Mitiku Gabrehiwot is an Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Mekelle University in Ethiopia. He uses visual media to explore social change and cultural identity of the people in Tigray region. His current research projects include change and continuity and Political Anthropology.
Bata Diallo
Bata Diallo is a PhD candidate at the University of Bamako in Mali. She made a MA film "Djeneba, a Minyanka woman of Southern Mali" for Visual Cultural Studies, University of Tromsø.
The film is an hour-long chronicle of the quotidian life in rural Mali from a woman's point of view. It focuses on Bata engages Djeneba's life-world in observational and participatory style based on the intimate conversation with protagonists.
Bata currently works on analysis of the political idea of Fily Dabo Sissoko (1900-1964), one of the founding fathers of modern Mali.
Solomon Mekonen
Solomon Mekonen is a Berlin-based filmmaker, interested in visual storytelling grounded in anthropology.
He holds a master's degree in Visual and Media Anthropology from Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests include decolonisation, queer studies and imagining alternative futures.
Website: https://solomonmekonen.com/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user21987400
Twitter: twitter.com/Leuleselam
◆日時:2020年6月26日(金)17:00~19:00 (日本時間)
◆方法:Zoomを用いたTV 会議を行う(定員30人)