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東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所にて、1月末より「現代アフリカにおけるセクシュアリティ:伝統、教育、そして実践」と題した国際シンポジウムをTUFiSCo(フィールドサイエンスコモンズ)創設第一回目として開催します。LGBTI+や生理パッドの運動で知られるステラ・ニャンジ氏(ドイツ ペンクラブ)、ほかジェンダー・セクシュアリティ研究のフローレンス ムハングジィ チョヘイルウェ氏(マケレレ大学)、テンダイ・ムテンベザ氏(ケープタウン大学)3名のアフリカ人研究者を招へいし、国内の中堅、若手のアフリカ研究者とともにハイブリッドにて開催します。

28日の一日目は 'Traditional Sexual Knowledge Today' 、29日の二日目は 'Menstrual Hygiene Management(MHM) and Sexual Education in Africa'と題しています。



【TUFiSCo*-ILCAA International Symposium】

Sexuality in Contemporary Africa: Tradition, Education and Practices

現代アフリカにおけるセクシュアリティ: 伝統、教育、そして実践

<Theme Abstract>

Despite the international development organizations' efforts toward mitigation of learner single motherhood, early pregnancies, and HIV prevalence among societies in Africa, these issues have remained persistently incremental in the last one decade and more recently worsened during COVID-19 pandemic. Menstrual poverty and related WASH problems remain systemic. What explains this trend? Prior to colonial invasion, sexuality was central to every society whereby the family was the educational pivot. The events that followed colonial occupation repositioned the sexuality values toward 'presumed modernity'. The transitioning from the traditional to the 'presumed modern' practices has mutated into dynamic between-ness. In this symposium, we ethnographically interrogate this between-ness and associated complications. We tackle the sensitivities of sexuality in some societies and address the cultural, religious, and political dimensions of sexual education and practices. We identify the existential gaps in the sexual education in the life cycle of a 'presumed modern African' society.

◆Date: 28th -29th January 2023

◆Venue: Room 303, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa(ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies(TUFS) and ZOOM

◆Access: http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/en/about/access

◆Language: English

◆Admission: Free

◆Jointly Organized by The TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), African Studies Center-TUFS, Field Science Center-ILCAA, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Wakana Shiino) 22H00769, 'Volcanic Dynamics of Sexualities, Marriage and Singleness in Contemporary East African Societies'.

◆Pre-registration is required. Please scan the QR code for registration by January 25, 2023.




Opening Remarks



Dr. Wakana Shiino (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa(ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies(TUFS))

<The 1st day: Traditional Sexual Knowledge Today >


1) Ms. Etuwete Shiningayamwe (Ph.D. Student, TUFS)

'Challenges Facing Schoolteachers in Preventing and Managing Learner Pregnancy: The Case of Rural Namibia'


2) Mr. Tendai Mutembedza (Ph.D. candidate, University of Cape town)

'Centering Sexuality in Men and Communities' Constructions of Early Marriage Practices in Zimbabwe.'

11:55~13:15   Lunch time


3) Dr. Wakana Shiino (Associate Professor, ILCAA, TUFS)

Transmission of Sexual Knowledge - Tradition and Intergenerational Disconnection in Rural Kenya

+Ms. Lynnet Achieng Ogallo (Primary School Teacher)

13:55~14:05   Break Time


4) Dr. Florence Muhanguzi Kyoheirwe (Makerere University)

The Dilemmas of Communicating Sexuality Knowledge to the Young People in Uganda: Parents and Teachers Speak Out.


5) Dr. Tom Ondicho (Associate Professor, University of Nairobi/ Visiting Professor, ILCAA, TUFS)

The Influence of Sexual Health Education on HIV Risky Sexual Behaviours and Practices among Kenyan University Students.

15:15~15:30    Break Time


6) Ms. Kaori Miyachi (Visiting researcher, Saga University)

FGM/C and Education in the Present: How Have Anti-FGM Activities Brought Changes in Kenya?


7) Ms. Eri Koda (P.h.D. student, Ritsumeikan University)

Having Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mummies: Ambivalent Attitudes towards Youth Sexual Relationships in Urban Ghana.

16:40~16:50  Break Time




Prof. Yukio Miyawaki (Osaka Metropolitan University)

<The 2nd Day: Menstrual Hygiene Management(MHM) and Sexual Education in Africa>


8) Dr. Viola Nilah Nyakato (Senior Lecturer, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda) : virtual attendance

'The Family Structure has Changed: Explaining the Need for a Cultural Shift towards Parents' upper Hand in Sexuality education in Uganda'


9) Dr. Ian Karusigarira (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies:GRIPS)

In between Traditions: Interrogating MHM Education as an Inclusive Approach in Uganda.

Ms. Beatrice Kyogabirwe (High School teacher)

14:15~14:30  Break Time


10) Dr. Stella Nyanzi (PEN Germany)

'Politicisation of Organising against Period Poverty in Uganda: a Case Study of #Pads4GirlsUG'


11) Mr. Vela Night Okindo (Trans Empowerment Initiative: TEI) : virtual attendance

Dignifying Mensuration in Transgender Men.


12) Prof. Elli Sugita (Osaka University)

Walls Standing in the Way of Menstrual Equity: A Case Study from Japan.

16:15~16:30 Break Time



Commentator: Dr. Soichiro Shiraishi (Hirosaki University)