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第12回「Africa, Multilateralism and the Emerging Global Order」

2018年4月11日(水) 16:00~18:00


今回は、スーダンの飢饉やダルフール紛争などについての研究で著名なアレックス・デ・ヴァール氏(米国マサチューセッツ州タフツ大学)を講師にお迎えします。報告タイトルは、「Africa, Multilateralism and the Emerging Global Order (アフリカ、多国間主義、そして新たなグローバル秩序)」。デ・ヴァール氏が、近年の国際情勢によって脅かされているアフリカの多国間外交について解説します。


◆日時:2018年4月11日(水) 16:00~18:00

◆会場:東京外国語大学 研究講義棟227教室

◆報告タイトル:Africa, Multilateralism and the Emerging Global Order (アフリカ、多国間主義、そして新たなグローバル秩序)

Africa has a unique history of multilateralism, which is coming under severe strain in the emerging global order in which transactional zero-sum security politics is on the rise. Africa's multilateralism emerges from its history as a weak continent that therefore has much to gain from the sovereign status of states in an anarchic world system, from the role of the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity in the decolonization of the continent, and from the way in which Pan-Africanism was rooted in a transnational people's movement. During the 1990s, in response to the extreme political crises that afflicted the continent, African leaders forged new norms and collective commitments, which have played a key role in preventing and resolving conflicts. As the embodiment of these aspirations, the African Union has provided formal principles and informal mechanisms to promote a promising form of African multilateralism. However, these aspirations are currently jeopardized by militarization of U.S. foreign policy and the expansion of Middle Eastern rivalrous politics into Africa.

◆使用言語: 英語

◆入場料: 無料


◆お問い合わせ:東京外国語大学 現代アフリカ地域研究センター
        住所/〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1
