移民とその家族は、離れて暮らすなかでどのように親密な関係を再構築しているのでしょうか? 本セミナーでは、両者の関係とシティズンシップを「離れながら」設定し直すために、何が大切なのかをフマンティ氏が議論します。
◆講演者:マッティーア・フマンティ 氏(京都大学・外国人招へい研究者<短期>、セント・アンドリュース大学社会人類学科・上級研究員)
◆演 題:Intimacy, Citizenship and Transnational Family Lives Between London and Ghana
◆要 旨:This paper explores the ambiguous and complex ways in which migrants and their families re-imagine and re-construct in separation their intimate relations and in so doing rethink their place in the world also in relation to citizenship. Here I argue that they do so by entrusting people and possessions in the care of significant others and embodying the aspirations of those left behind for a better future, whilst harboring nostalgia and idealized memories of those left at home. Here I explore the affective and material ways in which family relations are reconfigured around the access to a host country and its job market in the diaspora, and the ways in which families can sustain common projects at home. The aim is to discuss how, through these entrustment practices, citizenship is reconfigured through intimacy and how this is done 'remotely'. The paper looks at how individuals' lives and material objects are entrusted in the care of others through material and financial obligations, including housing and employment. In this sense, citizenship is re-imagined intimately as the reconstruction of the self through intersubjective relations. Trust, entrustment, and the reconfiguration of family obligations are all crucial to understanding citizenship as intimate citizenship.
◆日 時:2022年7月4日(月) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)
◆場 所:対面(東京外国語大学研究講義棟223教室)&オンライン(Zoomミーティング)
【報 告】