◆講演者:コジョ・オポク・エイドゥ 氏(現代アフリカ地域研究センター・客員教授、ガーナ大学アフリカ研究所・上級研究員)
◆演 題:Reflections on Academic, Political and Grassroots Genealogies of Pan Africanism
◆要 旨:One compelling issue that I have been confronted with since I started to teach Pan Africanism and African Unity both at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana and here at the African Studies Centre relates to the intellectual origins, historical evolution, and radical politics of Pan-Africanism. This paper is therefore based on a historical categorization of what I consider as three genealogical (academic, political, and grassroots) aspects of Pan Africanism that have evolved over time and space. The big question underlying this paper is threefold: How can we explain the mental images we carry of Pan Africanism? How has the word-concept evolved, and been used and/or abused in academic scholarship? How can we deconstruct the inherited banalities and construct a more balanced yet critical picture of the pan African reality? I stress, significantly, that Pan Africanism has a history of its own, and yet it is a contested idea. I show that it grounds itself in the generations-long struggle for Black freedom in the Diaspora and Continental Africa. It started first as an idea, and later a movement to realize the ideals. It is essentially meant to serve as a strategy for decolonization, anti-neo-colonial struggles, continental unity, and means of solving African development challenges. Recent times have witnessed a bourgeoning Pan African thinking and praxis, after a long lull period. The primary objective of the paper then is to reflect on the academic, political and grassroots genealogies of Pan Africanism in order to augment our comprehension of the subject.
◆日 時:2022年5月11日(水) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)
◆場 所:対面(東京外国語大学研究講義棟104教室)&オンライン(Zoomミーティング)
【報 告】