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  • 東京外国語大学

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第33回「China Zambia Relations: What Went Wrong, When and Why?」



現代アフリカ地域研究センターでは、日本アフリカ学会関東支部との共催で第33 回ASC セミナーを開催します。講師を務めるのはゴドフリー・ハンプワイエ博士。同博士はザンビア大学自然科学学部地理・環境学科の上級講師で、現在、当センターの客員教授として日本に滞在中です。

中国は、ザンビアを含むアフリカ各国の独立や発展を支援してきました。しかし1990 年代後半以降、中国の経済活動が活発化するなかで、ザンビアでは反中感情の高まりが観察されるようになりました。ハンプワイエ博士は、なぜ中国の企業が暴力的な抗議デモの標的にされるのかを考察します。


◆演 題:China Zambia Relations: What Went Wrong, When and Why?

◆要 旨:China's engagement with Africa and other developing countries has a long history. China supported many countries in Africa to fight for their political freedom from the colonisers. Similarly, Zambia received the same kind of support from China before her independence in 1964. After independence, the good relations with China continued but now became more political and focused on development assistance. This culminated in the building of Tanzania Zambia Railway in the mid-1970s.

However, in the late 1990s, the kind of relation between the two countries became more economic as China invested in privatised mines and other sectors following the economic restructuring programmes undertaken by Zambia. Consequently, there have been a number of anti-Chinese sentiments by the Zambia public, especially opposition politicians, and those employed in Chinese owned companies on account of poor working conditions, low salaries and poor safety measures. This has often resulted into violent protests. The presentation will interrogate, among others, why Chinese companies have been targeted.





