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  • 東京外国語大学

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第89回 "Human-Wildlife Conflicts and the Compensation Scheme around Protected areas of Rwanda. The case of Nyungwe National Park."





◆演目: "Human-Wildlife Conflicts and the Compensation Scheme around Protected areas of Rwanda. The case of Nyungwe National Park. "

◆講師: Dr.グロリオズ・ウムジラネンゲ(Gloriose Umuziranenge)(Senior lecturer /Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR)、現代アフリカ地域研究センター・客員准教授)

◆要旨:In African countries human-wildlife conflicts such as crop-raiding by wild animals are common concerns for conservationists and surrounding populations. At different levels, these challenges hinder the achievement of conservation goals and the tolerance of wild animals by local people.

The aims of the study are to assess:

(1) the community perceptions on human-wildlife conflicts and

(2) to assess the community' perceptions about the compensation scheme. A qualitative approach was adopted.

The data were collected using semi-structured interviews from a sample size of 20 respondents which comprises of the representatives of the park management, key stakeholders including local communities who experienced crop raiding and conservation NGOs.The data were analysed using content analysis.

The findings indicate that communities are affected by crop raiding which cause socio-economic and livelihood losses, food insecurity and injury.

The findings also indicate that communities are not satisfied with the compensation scheme because of difficult requirements, complicated compensation procedures, rejection of compensation claims, undervalued payment and irregular compensation as well as delay of payments that cause the victims of crop raiding abandon compensation claims.The findings call for an improvement of the compensation scheme.

Some Pictures of Nyungwe National Park and Crop Raiding in local community's farms.

【Key words: Human-wildlife conflict, Crop raiding, Compensation scheme】

Pic1. Nyungwe National Park


Pic 2: Crop raiding in community's farm


Pic 3: Crop raiding


◆日時:2024年5月23日(木) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/ 8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)

◆場所:対面(東京外国語大学 研究講義棟 100教室)& オンライン(Zoomミーティング)





定員:対面50名 ・ オンライン300名

申し込み〆切:2024年5月22日(月)※ 定員に達し次第締め切らせていただきます。

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