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  • 東京外国語大学

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第72回「Scientific Research and Development in Africa: An inspiration from Centre Teilhard de Chardin (DR Congo)」

2022年12月12日(月) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)




◆講演者:ジスレン・チケンドア・マタディ 氏(上智大学イエズス会海外客員教授/ドジュマ大学教授/聖ギー・ジュ―マ教区司教代理)

◆演 題:Scientific Research and Development in Africa: An inspiration from Centre Teilhard de Chardin (DR Congo)

◆要 旨:

The theme of my reflection comes from my experience and the questions it raises in me. What value can an African intellectual, in general, and Congolese, in particular, have in the face of material poverty, of the African population? How can an intellectual explain the paradox between the potential in human, natural and mineral resources of the African continent in general and the poverty of so many Africans? Without being entirely responsible for the state in which his continent finds itself, the African intellectual should feel concerned in the search for ways and means of the emancipation of his people. And this work, he will only accomplish it if he makes contextualized scientific research his strength and his strategy and if he works sincerely in collaboration with other scholars. My conference is not only an attempt to show the importance, even the urgency of research on African soil, but also an opportunity to explore, from the Center Teilhard de Chardin(※), possible strategies for conducting research-actions.

※The Center Teilhard de Chardin (CETEC) is a research center in Djuma created in 2016 by the presenter to promote scientific research in the field of anthropology and sociology, the environment and any discipline that may contribute to the sustainable and equitable development of the DR Congo and Africa.

◆日 時:2022年12月12日(月) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)

◆場 所:対面(東京外国語大学研究講義棟223教室)&オンライン(Zoomミーティング)





【報 告】


