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  • 東京外国語大学

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第69回「The Weight of Inheritance: Legacies of Inequality in South Africa's Health System」





◆講演者:エフア・プラー 氏(ステレンボッシュ大学社会学・社会人類学学科・講師)

◆演 題:The Weight of Inheritance: Legacies of Inequality in South Africa's Health System

◆要 旨:The main thesis presented in this paper explores the possible historical continuities of inequality and porous access to health care for those population groups who were previously enslaved. Through archival research, these apparitions of South Africa's past, experience an afterlife, made apparent through unequal access to proper health care. The broader project seeks to account for how current health challenges are divided disproportionally along racial, income-level and geographic realities. The interlocked nature of historic violence and race-based discriminations in the practice of medicine, will account for why critical omissions in basic care persist. Presently, there is no synthesized compilation of work that sets out to account for the kinds of intersections mentioned above. These intersections are important to recognize especially if any meaningful social transformation is intended.

◆日 時:2022年9月23日(金・祝) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)

◆場 所:オンライン(Zoomミーティング)





【報 告】


