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  • 東京外国語大学


ホーマン・チトンゲHorman Chitonge

氏名 ホーマン・チトンゲ
(Horman Chitonge)
所属 職名 現代アフリカ地域研究センター / 特別招聘教授、ケープタウン大学 / アフリカ研究部門長(准教授)
E-mail horman.chitongeuct.ac.za
HP http://www.africanstudies.uct.ac.za/cas/staff/chitonge
プロフィールページ http://www.africanstudies.uct.ac.za/cas/staff/chitonge
研究キーワード 農地の政治経済学、水供給及び資源管理、貧困・不平等性、社会保障、アフリカの経済成長及び開発に対するオルタナティヴ
自己紹介 ホーマン・チトンゲ氏は、ケープタウン大学に所属し、アフリカ研究センターのアフリカ研究を専門とする教授であり、同大学経済学部の研究ユニット「Policy Research in International Services and Manufacturing(PRISM)」の研究員でもあります。また、東京外国語大学現代アフリカ地域研究センターとイェール大学Global Justice Programmeの客員教授です。研究対象はアフリカの経済発展、農業の政治経済学、水供給、社会的公正、貧困、そしてアフリカの経済成長における不均衡と代替案です。
学歴 1996-2000 ジンバブウェ大学(政治経済及び法・政治哲学分野)
2003-2005 クワズール・ナタール大学開発学研究科 (修士課程)
2005-2008 クワズール・ナタール大学開発学研究科 (博士課程)
学位 博士(開発学):クワズール・ナタール大学開発学研究科 (2008)
職歴 2013 - 現在 ケープタウン大学准教授
2018 東京外国語大学特別招聘教授



  • Chitonge, H., C. Fundanga, V. Songwe, and M. Kabinga Eds. (forthcoming). Oxford Hanbook of the Zambian Economy. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Stein, H. and H. Chitonge Eds. (forthcoming). Industrial Policy Institutions in Africa. Oxford University Press.Chitonge, H. and R. Harvey, R. 2021. Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Governance Deficit. Cham: Springer, xxi+339 pp..
  • Chitonge, H. and Y. Mine Eds. 2019. Land, the State and the Unfinished Decolonisation Project in Africa: Essays in Honour of Professor Sam Moyo. Bamenda: Langaa Publishers, 389 pp..
  • Chitonge, H. and B. B. Umar Eds. 2018. The Dilemmas of Customary Land in Zambia Today: Navigating the Contours of Change. New York: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 250 pp..
  • Bond, P., H. Chitonge, and A. Holfmaneds Eds. 2006. The Accumulation of Capital in Southern Africa. Johannesburg: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.



  • Chitonge, H. (2014). "Social Safety Nets Re-Loaded: An Analysis of the Second Generation Safety Nets in Africa" in Social Welfare: Policies, Perspectives and Challenges, M. Presley ed.). New York: Nova Publishing Inc. 99-142
  • Chitonge, H. (2010). "The State of KwaZulu-Natal Labour Market" in N. Nzimande (ed.) State of the Population of KwaZulu-Natal: Demographic Profile and Development Indicators. Pietermarisburg: KwaZulu-Natal Department for Social development. Chapter 5


  • Chitonge, H. (2016) African Capitalism: the New and the Old Lyrics (RAOPE Round Table Briefing
  • Chitonge, H. (2010). "Zambia's Development Agreements and the Soaring Copper Prices." Southern Africa Resource Watch, Resource Insight, Issue No.11.
  • Chitonge, H. (2006). "The Role of Civil Society in New Development Approaches." Centre for Civil Society Discussion Paper No.18/06, University of KwaZulu-Natal available at http://ccs.ukzn.ac.za/files/Chitonge%20development%20rights.pdf 12.03.14


  • Chitonge, H. (2014). Africa Emerges: Consummate Challenges, Abundant Opportunities by Robert Rotberg(2013). Cambridge: Polity Press, Review of African Political Economy.


  • Chitonge H. (2017). Assessing Intersectoral Linkages in the Zambian Economy" The case of Agroprocessing. For the International Growth Centre(IGC), London School of Economics.
  • Chitonge H. (2017). The Political Economy of Energy Policy in South Africa: From a Gender Agenda to a Class Project. For Energia, Netherlands

2. Land and agrarian political economy


  • Chitonge, H. et al (2017). "Silent Privatization of Customary Land in Zambia: Emerging Dynamics in Chibombo and Chongwe Districts. Social Dynamics.
  • Chitonge, H., O. Mfune, D. Kafwamba and G. Kajoba (2017). "Hybrid Land Markets: Monetarised Customary Land Transactions in Zambia." Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 51, No.1. 123-143.
  • Chitonge, H. (2015). "Customary Land in Zambia at Cross-Roads: Two Decades of Contested Land Reform." SADC Law Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1. 45-67.
  • Chitonge, H.and Mfune. O (2015). The Urban Land Question in Africa: The Case of Urban Land Conflicts in the City of Lusaka, 100 Years after its Founding. Habitat International 48. 2009-218.
  • Chitonge, H. (2014). "Land Reform and the Zero Hunger Programmes: Can South Africa Reap the Triple Dividend?" Journal of Poverty and Public Policy. Vol. 6, No.4. 380-406.
  • Chitonge, H. (2013). "Land use and Rural Livelihood in South Africa: Emerging Evidence from the Eastern Cape". Agrarian South, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 2, No.1. 1-42. Available at: http://ags.sagepub.com/content/2/1/1.full.pdf+htm
  • Chitonge, H. & Ntsebeza, L. (2012). "Land Reform and Rural Livelihood in South Africa: Does Land Matter?" Review of Agrarian South, Vol. 2, No.2


  • Chitonge, H. (2012). "Land Resource Ownership and Use in Africa of the Labour Reserves (SADC)" in B. Chigara (ed.) Problematising SADC Land Issues. London: Routledge. 57-88.


  • Chitonge, H. (2012). "Southern African Development Community Land Issues: Towards a new Sustainable Land Relations Policy, Vols.1 &2" Book Review. SADC Law Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2. 335-339


  • Chitonge H. (2013). Developmental Outcomes of Land Restitution Phase I: Eastern Cape Provincial Appraisal Report. Economic Performance and Development Department, Human Science (HSRC) for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

3. Water supply and resource management


  • Chitonge, H. (2014). "Cities Beyond Networks: The Status of Water Services for the Urban Poor in African Cities". African Studies, Vol. 73, No.1. 58-83
  • Chitonge, H. (2013). "Who will foot the Bill? Water Services Infrastructure Backlog in Sub-Saharan Africa" Journal of African Studies and Development, Vol. 5, No.3. 41-56. Available at: http://www.academicjournals.org/JASD/PDF/pdf2013/Jul/Chitonge.pdf
  • Chitonge, H. (2011). "A Decade of Implementing Water Services Reforms in Zambia: Review of Outcomes, Challenges and Opportunities." Water Alternatives, Vol.4, No.3. 1-22
  • Chitonge, H. (2010). "Who is Cross-subsidizing Whom? Water Supply Cross-subsidisation Policy, Practice and Lessons from Zambia." Journal of Modern African Studies 48(4) 599-624.


  • Chitonge, H. (2012). "Water Services Reforms in Zambia2000-2010." UNESCO Global Water Forum, Discussion Paper No. 1203.