1.Front cover
4.Prologue, Coffee break, Front cover of first chapter
"Journal for Japanese Studies" International Center for Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies(ISSN 2186-0777)
Call for papers and the information"Journal for Japanese Studies"The Journal of the International Center for Japanese Studies
Vol.14 March 2024
Vol.13 March 2023
Japanese Education Research based on Learners' Mother Tongues and Regional Differences
(ISSN 2188-5087)
Proceedings of the Three-Year-Project;
Joint Research with Domestic and Overseas Japanese Education Research Organizations (2010-2012)
Japanese Language Research and Construction of Web Dictionary Based
on Learners' Native Languages and Regional Characteristics (ISSN 2188-5087)
Proceedings Vol.2, the Three-Year-Project;
In Cooperation with Educational and Research Institutes Offering Japanese Language Study
both within Japan and Abroad. (2013-2015)