LingDy Forum: Linguistic Description and Documentation in African Contexts

Date / Time / Place

Date/Time:Wed 19 Feb 2020 16:00–17:30
Place:ILCAA Multimedia Conference Room (304), 3F, ILCAA (3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534, Japan)
Access Map


1. Ethelbert E. Kari (University of Botswana), Budzani Gabanamotse-Mogara (University of Botswana) “The State of Language Documentation in Botswana”

2. All participants “General discussion”


Language: English
Admission: Free
No Pre-registration is needed.

Jointly Sponsored by

Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3” (LingDy3), JSPS Core-to-Core Program: B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms “Establishment of a research network for exploring the linguistic diversity and linguistic dynamism in Africa”

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.