TUFS Archives designated as "National Archives"

April 21, 2016

On the 1st of April 2016 (Fri), the archives here at TUFS were designated "National Archives". "National Archives" means according to the regulation "the law regarding the management of official documents" (implemented on 1st of April 2011), the transfer of historic official documents is permitted between the country and individually administered corporations. TUFS is the 10th National University Corporation to be designated as a "National Archive".

At National Universities the management of corporate documents especially the transfer and disposal of historic official documents has become the topic of debate. Up until now, various large scale university facilities have been designated however this time; it is almost ground-breaking that TUFS which is a fairly small university in comparison also received the same designation.

It is to be noted that the several discussions regarding this designation and the negotiation process with the Cabinet Office are scheduled to be published in a report within the next few days and the activity contents for our archive are being successively introduced on the archive homepage.

The university archive can be viewed from the following link: