CAAS Unit Researchers Visit TUFS and participate in Informal Meeting with President Tateishi and Associates 29/1

February 29, 2016

On 29th of January 2016 (Fri), an informal meeting was held between President Tateishi, Vice President Miyazaki, and the CAAS Unit (*1) Coordinator Professor Carol Gluck, Professor Christopher Gerteis who will be invited as a researcher in the 2016 school year and also Professor Ethan Mark from Leiden University.

This meeting was held over 3 days until 31st January in conjunction with the TUFS Institute of Japan Studies kickoff event, the international symposium “International Japanese research; Dialog, Cultural Exchange and Dynamics” which Director Komatsu Kazuhiko of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies gave the lecture. Also in attendance was Iris Haukamp (University of London, SOAS) who is an invited researcher from the CAAS Unit. An exchange of opinions took place regarding the past, present and future of International Japanese Studies.

(*1)At TUFS, as part of the Program to Enhance the Functions of National Universities we are conducting the CAAS unit invitation fellowship program. CAAS Unit is a Japanese research global base for the mother organization Consortium for Asian and African Studies (CAAS). This is a unit composed of both Japanese and foreign researchers.