内原 洋人 (UCHIHARA Hiroto)
氏名 / Name | 内原 洋人 (UCHIHARA Hiroto) |
所属職名 / Affiliation | 大学院総合国際学研究院/准教授 Institute of Global Studies/Associate Professor |
電子メール / Email | hiroto.uchihara@tufs.ac.jp |
ウェブページ / Website | https://sites.google.com/view/hiroto-uchihara/home?authuser=0 |
学位 / Degree |
研究分野(e-Rad分野) / Research Field(s) (by e-Rad) |
研究キーワード / Research Keywords |
学歴 / Academic Achievement
2004年03月 東京外国語大学外国語学部 卒業2004.03 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language Graduated
2007年03月 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科言語学専攻 修了2007.03 The University of Tokyo Completed
2013年09月 ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校大学院言語学科 修了2013.09 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Completed
主要研究業績 / Main Research Publications
論文 / Papers
Cherokee s-preaspiration at the phonetics-phonology interface, Asian and African Languages and Linguistics supplement, 4, 21-31, 2024
Constituency in Oklahoma Cherokee., Constituency and Convergence in the Americas, 2024
Words as emergent constituents in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec, Constituency and Convergence in the Americas, 2024
Constituency and convergence in the Americas – Results and discussion., Constituency and Convergence in the Americas. , 2024
Tone, The Languages and Linguistics of North America: A comprehensive Guide., 1, 63-87, 2023
Special issues: Tlapanec (Mè'pàà) of la Ciénega de Sauce, Guerrero. , Journal of the Institute of Language Research, 27, 825-903, 2023
Morphosyntactically conditioned tone change in Central Zapotec. , International Journal of American Linguistics, 88(3), 325-359, 2022
Minimality, maximality and perfect prosodic word in Alcozauca Mixtec, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 40, 599-649, 2022
Foot-based allomorphy in Tlapanec (Mè’phàà), Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences, 60(1), 83-122, 2022
La pérdida de la vocal átona en el zapoteco central, Estudios lingüísticos y filológicos en lenguas indígenas mexicanas. Celebración por los 30 años de Seminario de Lenguas Indígenas, 347-393, 2021
Language games and phonology in Tagalog. , Asian and African Languages and Linguistics, 15, 9-20, 2021
Teotitlán Zapotec: an activizing language, Linguistic Typology, 25(2), 257-301, 2021
Clusters vs units in Otomanguean languages: the cases of Tlapanec and Zapotec, Cuadernos de Lingüística De El Colegio De México, 8, 1-57, 2021
Open and closed mid-front vowels in Teotitlán Zapotec, Phonological Data and Analysis, 2(7), 1-22, 2020
A phonological account of Tlapanec (Mè’phàà) tonal alternation, Journal of Linguistics, 56(4), 807-863, 2020
Subject and agentivity in Teotitlán Zapotec, Studies in Language, 44(3), 548-605, 2020
Iroquoian languages, Routledge Handbook of North American Languages, 424-451, 2019
El texto Don Crescencio: ilustración del sistema tonal del zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle, Tlalocan, 24, 127-153, 2019
Phonological and morphological constituent structures of Cherokee verbs, Festschrift for Professor Tōru Hayasi. Tokyo University Linguistics Papers, 39, 287-320, 2018
Review of Montgomery-Anderson, Brad. 2015. “Cherokee Reference Grammar”. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. xx +515 pp. , International Journal of American Linguistics, 83(4), 746-749, 2017
Tone and registrogenesis in Quiaviní Zapotec, Diachronica, 33(2), 220-254, 2016
Reseñas de “Entre cuerdas y velo: estudios fonológicos de lenguas otomangues”, Herrera Zendejas, Esther ed. (2012), El Colegio de México, y “Tono, acento y estructuras métricas en lenguas mexicanas”, Herrera Zendejas, Esther ed. (2015), El Colegio de México. , Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México , 3(1)2016
Fortis/lenis, glides and vowels in Quiaviní Zapotec, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 1(27), 1-24, 2016
Noun incorporation in Cherokee revisited, International Journal of American Linguistics, 80(1), 5-38, 2014
High Tone in Oklahoma Cherokee, International Journal of American Linguistics, 75(3), 317-336, 2009
Laryngeal Alternation, Laryngeal Metathesis and aspirated consonants in Oklahoma Cherokee, Tokyo University Linguistics Papers, 26, 49-72, 2007
書籍等出版物 / Books and Other Publications
Constituency and Convergence in the Americas, Language Science Press, Scholarly book, Joint editor, 2024
Vocabulario mínimo del Zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle. Material para el estudio y la enseñanza-aprendizaje de esta lengua. , Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Dictionary, encyclopedia, Joint author, 2020
Tone and accent in Oklahoma Cherokee., Oxford University Press, Scholarly book, Sole author, 2016
消滅した言語, ラテンアメリカ文化事典, 丸善, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(その他), 単著, 2021年
アメリカ大陸の歴史言語学, ラテンアメリカ文化事典, 丸善, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(その他), 単著, 2021年
ことばの迷い道:世界で一番(?)複雑な声調体系を持つ言語, 月間みんぱく, 国立民族博物館, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(大学・研究所紀要), 単著, 2020年
名詞抱合, 明解言語学辞典, 三省堂, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(その他), 単著, 2015年
複合, 明解言語学辞典, 三省堂, 速報,短報,研究ノート等(大学,研究機関紀要), 単著, 2015年
名詞クラス, 明解言語学辞典, 三省堂, 速報,短報,研究ノート等(大学,研究機関紀要), 単著, 2015年
講演・口頭発表等 / Presentations
Revisiting focus and topic in Central Zapotec, Syntax of the World's languages, International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Lima, Peru , 2024
言語理論はフィールド言語学に資するのか:北米諸語の事例から, 日本言語学会第168回, 国内会議, シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名), 国際基督教大学, 2024年
Syntax-Prosody mismatches in Teotitlán Zapotec, The Second International Conference on Tone and Intonation, International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Singapore, 2023
Stress-induced lengthening of pre- and post-tonic syllables: implications for the theory and typology of metrical prominence. , Speech Prosody and Beyond workshop 2023, International presentation, Hae-Sung Jeon, Oral presentation (general), Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Seoul, 2023
Community-based documentation of Oklahoma Cherokee, Language Documentation and Linguistics: Community-based approaches., Domestic presentation, Seung-Hun Lee, Oral presentation (general), 2023
日本語とメキシコ先住民語の自他交替, 第38回『外国語と日本語との対照言語学的研究』研究会, 国内会議, 国際日本研究センター, 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等, 2023年
Cherokee s-preaspiration at the phonetics-phonology interface, Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives, Domestic presentation, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2023
A new Cherokee dictionary project. , High Desert Linguistics Society 15, International presentation, University of New Mexico, Oral presentation (general), Albuquerque, 2022
A new Cherokee dictionary project, Workshop on Lexicography in Indigenous Languages of the Americas, International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Ottawa, Canada, 2022
トラパネク語の声調拡張と有標性パラドクス, Domestic presentation, Oral presentation (general), 2022
Tlapanec verb inflection at the phonology-morphology interface, LAL-seminar, International presentation, University of Melbourne, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2022
トラパネク語の複雑子音, , 国内会議, 東京大学, 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等, 2022年
Laryngeal contrasts in Otomanguean, Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives, Domestic presentation, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2021
Complexity and variation in Cherokee aspectual suffix inflection, The 25th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas., International presentation, Sogang University, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2021
Minimality, Maximality and Perfect Prosodic Word in Alcozauca Mixtec. , Linguistic Fieldwork Working Group,, International presentation, UC San Diego, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2021
Words as emergent constituents in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec. , Constituency, Wordhood, and the Morphology-Syntax Distinction: Description and Typology, International presentation, MSH Lyon Saint-Étienne, Lyon, France, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2021
Constituency in Oklahoma Cherokee., Constituency, Wordhood, and the Morphology-Syntax Distinction: Description and Typology, International presentation, MSH Lyon Saint-Étienne, Lyon, France, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2021
Constituency in Oklahoma Cherokee, UTokyo Linguistics Colloquium., Domestic presentation, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2021
Otomanguean ‘inflectional tones’= ‘grammatical tones’? , Princeton Phonology Forum (PɸF 2020): Tone and phonological theory, International presentation, Princeton University, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2021
Regularidad, irregularidad y variación en los sufijos de aspecto en el cheroqui (iroquesa)., Taller Internacional virtual: Reflexiones gramaticales sobre las lenguas indígenas de América: tiempo y aspecto. Instituto de Investigaciones lingüísticas y postgrado y Centro de estudiantes de la carrera de Lingüística e Idiomas, International presentation, Universidad Pública de El Alto, Bolivia, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2020
Language games and phonology in Tagalog., Grammatical Studies Workshops 17: “Language games and phonology (2)”, Domestic presentation, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2020
Tlapanec verbal inflection at the phonology-morphology interface., UTokyo Linguistics Colloquium., Domestic presentation, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2019
El mixteco y el tlapaneco: ¿lenguas que cuentan las moras o sílabas?, La vigencia de la fonología praguense en la descripción de las lenguas mexicanas, International presentation, La Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, México, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2019
Words as emergent constituents in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec., Ninth Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America., International presentation, University of Texas, Austin, Oral presentation (general), 2019
A new typology of constituency and convergence. , 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology., International presentation, University of Pavia, Oral presentation (general), 2019
Teotitlán Zapotec: an ‘activizing’ language, 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology., International presentation, University of Pavia, Oral presentation (general), 2019
Rising tone in Central Zapotec, The 5th Workshop on Sound Change, International presentation, University of California, Davis, Oral presentation (general), 2019
How much can phonology account for Otomanguean paradigm complexity? , Sound System of Latin America 3., International presentation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst., Oral presentation (invited, special), 2018
El continuo de la prominencia en el zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle, Coloquio sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas VIII., International presentation, Bibliotéca Juan de Córdova, Oral presentation (general), 2018
La morfosintaxis y semántica de los enclíticos adverbiales en el Zapoteco Central, VIII Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica, International presentation, University of Texas, Austin, Oral presentation (general), 2017
Subject and agentivity in Teotitlán Zapotec, Role and Reference Grammar 2017, International presentation, University of Tokyo, Oral presentation (general), 2017
Patrones tonales en el mixteco de Yucuquimi., Primeras Jornadas sobre Lenguas Mixtecanas, International presentation, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, Oral presentation (general), 2016
Syntactically conditioned tone change in central Zapotec: what do subordination, relativization, focus, interrogation and negation have in common?, Syntax of the World’s Languages VII, International presentation, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Oral presentation (general), 2016
La pérdida de la vocal átona en zapoteco central. , VII Coloquio de Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas Juan José Rendón Monzón., International presentation, Bibliotéca Juan de Córdova, Oral presentation (general), 2016
El sistema tonal del zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle: ¿Por qué un sistema con dos niveles presenta tantos desafíos?, Second Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America., International presentation, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Oral presentation (general), 2016
Tone, phonation and registrogenesis in Central Zapotec, Latin American & Iberian Institute talk series, International presentation, University of New Mexico, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2015
Clases tonales en zapoteco central, VII Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica, International presentation, University of Texas, Austin, Oral presentation (general), 2015
La primera persona en la morfología verbal del zapoteco de San Pablo Güilá. , El XIII Congreso Nacional de Lingüística., International presentation, La Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. , Oral presentation (general), Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico, 2015
Incorporación de partes del cuerpo: casos en chéroqui y zapoteco., Jornadas Filológicas, International presentation, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2015
Anti-tonogenesis in Quiaviní Zapotec. , The 89th Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America. , International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Portland, OR, 2015
Hierarchical structure of Cherokee verbs., Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas., International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Portland, OR, 2015
From overt tonal contrast to phonation and covert tonal contrast in Quiaviní Zapotec., Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America., International presentation, Yale University, Oral presentation (general), New Haven, CT, 2014
The Zapotec-Chatino Linguistic Survey: A Family-Level Language Documentation and its Application to Comparative Linguistics., Friday Speaker Series, International presentation, Georgetown University, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2014
How tonal is an incipient tone? A case in Oklahoma Cherokee. , Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas., International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Minneapolis, MN, 2014
How tonal is an ‘incipient’ tone: a case in Oklahoma Cherokee, Friday Speaker Series, International presentation, Georgetown University, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2013
Valley Zapotec diphthongs, The Sixth Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America. , International presentation, Oral presentation (general), Austin, TX, 2013
Floating high tone in Oklahoma Cherokee, The CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/ Phonology Workshop., International presentation, University of Toronto, Oral presentation (general), 2011
Noun incorporation in Cherokee revisited, Morphology Workshop, International presentation, University at Buffalo, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2011
Tonal patterns on underived disyllabic nouns in Cherokee, 3rd Annual Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages., International presentation, Oral presentation (general), 2010
Lexical High Tone in Oklahoma Cherokee., Workshop on American Indigenous Languages 10, International presentation, Oral presentation (general), 2007
Last updated on 2024/9/11