TUFSグローバルスタディーズ学会 会則
Rules of Association of Global Studies TUFS

第1条 (名称)

本会は東京外国語⼤学グローバルスタディーズ学会と称する。英語による名称はAssociation of Global Studies TUFS、略称はAGS-TUFSとする。

第2条 (事務局)


第3条 (⽬的)


第4条 (事業)

1. 研究会、講演会等の開催
2. その他本会の⽬的を達成するために必要と認められた事業

第5条 (会員等)

1. 東京外国語⼤学⼤学院総合国際学研究科の授業を担当する専任教員
2. 東京外国語⼤学⼤学院総合国際学研究科博⼠後期課程に在籍する学⽣
3. 東京外国語⼤学⼤学院総合国際学研究院および国際⽇本学研究院が受け⼊れた特別研究員
4. 上記の資格を喪失すると、同時に本学会の会員資格も無効となる。
5. 会⻑は会員の中から学⻑が任命する

第6条 (総会)

1. 本会はその運営に関する重要事項を審議するため総会を置く
2. 会⻑は少なくとも年1回、総会を開催し、決算案、事業報告、予算案、事業計画等の承認を求めなければならない。
3. 以下の事項については、総会の承認を経た後、研究科教授会の承認を得るものとする。

第7条 (幹事会)

1. 本会はその運営のために幹事会を置く。
2. 幹事会は年度の予算案・決算案・事業計画・事業報告、事業の運営、本会則の改正等の諸事項を審議し決定する。
3. 幹事会は次の各号に掲げる者をもって組織する。
4. 幹事の任期は1年とし、再任を妨げない。
5. 幹事会に次の役員を置く。
 1)会⻑1名 本会を代表し会務を総括する。
 2)副会⻑1名 会⻑を補佐し、必要に応じてその事務を代⾏する。
 3)会計担当幹事1名 会の会計を担当する。
 4)研究会担当幹事1名 研究会の企画・運営を統括する。
6. 役員は幹事会で互選し、総会の承認を得る。

第8条 (附則)


Article 1 (Name)

The name of the Association shall be “東京外国語⼤学グローバルスタディーズ学会”, or “Association of Global Studies TUFS” in English (abbreviated to “AGS-TUFS.”)

Article 2 (Secretariat)

The Association secretariat shall be placed under the Graduate School of Global Studies, the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Article 3 (Purpose)

The purpose of the Association is to promote autonomous and comprehensive student research activities suitable for the Graduate School of Global Studies through the collaboration of student and faculty Association members.

Article 4 (Projects)

The Association shall engage in the following projects in order to achieve its purpose stated in the preceding Article:
1. Hold study groups, lectures, etc.; and
2. Other projects deemed necessary to achieve the purpose of the Association.

Article 5 (Members, etc.)

The Association shall consist of the following members:
1. Full-time faculty members teaching at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate School
of Global Studies;
2. Students enrolled in the doctoral program at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate
School of Global Studies;
3. Research fellows accepted by the TUFS Graduate School of Global Studies and Global
Japanese Studies.
4. The membership of the Association will expire at the same time a member lost qualifications
listed above.
5. The president shall appoint a chairperson from amongst Association members.

Article 6 (General Meeting)

1. The Association shall establish a general meeting to discuss important matters regarding its operation.
2. The chairman must hold a general meeting at least once a year to seek the approval of
financial statements, business reports, budgets, business plans, etc.
3. The following matters shall be approved by the faculty meeting of the Graduate School
of Global Studies after being approved by the AGS-TUFS general meeting:
・Revisions to these Rules; and
・Dissolution of the Association.

Article 7 (Executive Board)

1. The Association shall establish an Executive Board for its operation.
2. The Executive Board shall deliberate and decide on various matters such as the annual
budget, financial statements, annual plans, annual reports, project operations, and amendment to the Association Rules.
3. The Executive Board shall consist of the following persons:
1)One person appointed from the Institute of Language Research;
2)One person appointed from the Institute of Foreign Affairs;
3)One person appointed from the Institute of Transcultural Studies;
4)One person appointed from the Institute of International Relations; and
5)Others if necessary, nominated by the dean of the Graduate School of Global Studies.
4. The term of Board members shall be 1 year, and this shall not preclude re-appointment.
5. The Executive Board shall have the following officers:
1) One chairperson, who shall represent and oversee the affairs of the Association;
2) One vice-chairman, who shall assist the chairman and serve on behalf of the chairman as
3) One treasurer, who shall be responsible for the accounting of the Association; and
4) One study group secretary, who shall oversee the planning and operation of study groups.
6. Officers shall be elected by the Executive Board and approved by the general meeting.

Article 8 (Supplementary Provisions)

1.Amendment to the Association Rules shall be approved by resolution of the Executive Board,
then approved by resolution of the general meeting and the faculty meeting of the Graduate School of Global Studies.
2.The detailed rules necessary for the enforcement of the Association rules will be established