Symposium: 近代の日本語とリアリティ:言語学、文学、映画/ Reality and the Modern Japanese Language: Linguistics, Literature and Film

It is our pleasure to invite you to the symposium 近代の日本語とリアリティ:言語学、文学、映画 / Reality and the Modern Japanese Language: Linguistics, Literature and Film, which will take place in person at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on 10 December 2023 (Sunday). Talks by Prof. Nomura Takashi, Prof. Hidaka Yoshiki, and Kataoka Ichiro will be followed by a screening and benshi performance of the 1916 movie Ukiyo by Kataoka Ichiro.

The symposium will be held in Japanese, with English handouts provided.

Important details

Time: 12月10日(日)10 December 2023, 13:00-17:00

Place: 東京外国語大学、留学生日本語教育センター、さくらホール

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Sakura Hall


野村剛史 「スタンダード研究の意義」


片岡一郎「文学、演劇、映画を越境する大衆娯楽の存在」、 映画『うき世』(1916)早稲田大学演劇博物館蔵 上映と説明

Speaker bios

  • 野村剛史(東京大学名誉教授)専門は日本語文法史。著書『話し言葉の日本史』『日本語スタンダードの歴史ミヤコ言葉から言文一致まで』『日本語の焦点 日本語「標準形(スタンダード)」の歴史 話し言葉・書き言葉・表記』
    Nomura Takashi (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo) specialises in the history of Japanese grammar. His publications include The History of Spoken Japanese (2011), The History of Standard Japanese: from ‘miyako kotoba’ to ‘genbun itchi’ (2013), The History of Standard Japanese: Spoken Language, Written Language, Orthography (2019).
  • 日高佳紀(佛教大学教授)専門は日本近現代文学と文学理論。著書『谷崎潤一郎のディスクール―近代読者への接近』(2015)、『『谷崎潤一郎読本』(共編、2016)』、『小説のフィクショナリティ—理論で読み直す日本の文学』(共編、2022)。
    Hidaka Yoshiki (Professor, Bukkyo University) specialises in modern and contemporary literature and literary theories. He is the author of The Discourse of Tanizaki Jun’ichirō: An Approach to Modern Readers (2015) and the co-editor of numerous volumes, including Tanizaki Jun’ichirō: a Reader (2016) and The Fictionality of Novels: Re-reading Japanese Literature Through the Lens of Literary Theory (2022).
  • 片岡一郎(活動写真弁士)。2002年に澤登翠に入門。弁士を担当した無声映画は役350作品。国内外で活躍しこれまで23か国で公演を行った。大河ドラマ『いだてん』や朝ドラ『ブギウギ』に出演。『カツベン!』では出演、時代考証、実技指導で参加。2020年に単著『活動写真弁史』を上梓。
    Kataoka Ichirō (Katsudō shashin benshi/ film narrator) studied under Midori Sawato from 2002. He has acted as benshi for 350 silent films, and has given talks and performances in 23 countries. He appeared in the historical drama Idaten, the morning drama Boogie Woogie, and Katsuben: Talking the Pictures! (2019), for which he also acted as technical advisor and was in charge of historical accuracy. In 2020, he published the monograph The History of Film Narration.



Contact: haukamp[at]

Registration link:

Project: 近代から戦前までの文学・映画における言語的表現手段の変遷についての横断的研究