2002年度 大阪市立大学文学部 集中講義 (8月5日-8日)

W ハイパーテクスト理論


(1) 「ハイパーテクスト」とは


Well, by “hypertext” I mean non-sequential writing-- text that branches and allows choices to the reader, best read at an interactive screen.
As popularly conceived, this is a series of text chunks connected by links which offer the reader different pathways. (Theodor Holm Nelson, Literary Machines 90.1, p. 0/2)

Hypertext can include sequential text, and is thus the most general form of writing. Unrestricted by sequence, in hypertext we may create new forms of writing which better reflect the structure of what we are writing about; and readers, choosing a pathway, may follow their interests or current line of thought in a way heretofore considered impossible. (Ibid., p.0/3)

By hypertext I simply mean non-sequential writing. A magazine layout, with sequential text and inset illustrations and boxes, is thus hypertext. So is the front page of a newspaper, and so are various programmed books now seen on the drugstore stands (where you make a choice at the end of a page, and are directed to other specific pages).
Computers are not intrinsically involved with the hypertext concept. But computers will be involved with hypertext in every way, and in systems of every style. (Ideally, you the reader shall be free to choose the next thing to look at? though repressive forms of hypertext do turn up.)
Many people consider these forms of writing to be new and drastic and threatening. However, I would like to take the position that hypertext is fundamentally traditional and in the mainstream of literature. (Ibid., p. 1/17)

(2) ハイパーテクストの創設者たち

Vannevar Bush and memex

As We May Think の全テクスト
Memex and Beyond (http://www.cs.brown.edu/memex/home.html)

Ted Nelson and Xanadu

現在のTed Nelson Home Pageはきわめてシンプル(その意味で挑発的)なものになっています。


資料:Xanaduのコンセプト概略 (インターネット講義第12回)


・HTMLにはないさまざまなコンセプト(Xanadu: transclusion, transpublishing)

テッド・ネルソン自身は現在のWeb上の記述言語に対して批判的: "The Web isn't hypertext, it's DECORATED DIRECTORIES!" (http://ted.hyperland.com/buyin.txt)

(3) HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Home Page

(4) 「ハイパーテクスト的」であるとは?

断片的構成要素/「文字」から「画像」へ/断片のなす構造性/「集中」よりも「散漫」... ?
