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Academic profile

    David Moeljadi

David Moeljadi (莫誠福)

Research student
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA),
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

E-mail: davidmoeljadi@yahoo.com

Education and work experience

2013 - present

Tokyo, Japan

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

2012 - 2013

Tokyo, Japan

Rakuten, Inc.(Rakuten Travel, Inc.)  International marketing and web design group, International business promotion department

2010 - 2012

Tokyo, Japan

Department of Linguistics, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology,
The University of Tokyo

Master of Arts in linguistics, GPA 4.0

2006 - 2010

Tokyo, Japan

Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo
Bachelor of Arts in linguistics, GPA 3.87
Awarded Japanese governmnet (MEXT) scholarship for master's program

2005 - 2006

Osaka, Japan

Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University of Foreign Studies
Special program in Japanese language and cultural studies, GPA 4.0

2004 - 2005

Jakarta, Indonesia

Japanese Language Department, Faculty of Letters, Bina Nusantara University
GPA 3.6

2001 - 2004

Malang, Indonesia

Kolese Santo Yusup Senior High School
Awarded Japanese governmnet (MEXT) scholarship for undergraduate studies

1998 - 2001

Malang, Indonesia

Kolese Santo Yusup 1 Junior High School

1992 - 1998

Malang, Indonesia

Taman Harapan Elementary School

1990 - 1992

Malang, Indonesia

Taman Harapan Kindergarten

Research interests

Indonesian, possession, colloquial Indonesian, loan words in Indonesian, Chinese Indonesian in Java, Peranakan language and culture

Publications and presentations


Grants and awards

Language skills

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David Moeljadi
"Last updated: Fri, Dec 13 2013 21:04 JST"