Activity Reports

Activity Reports

It is an activity report of the center

Lecture Report: "What is happening in Gaza: the 51-day Gaza War and Islam in the Japanese media" (December 16, 2014)

Lecturer: Mari OKA(Professor, Kyoto University)

Mari OKA criticised the Japanese media's coverage of the "51-day Gaza War" in July-August 2014,


1)disregard of the historical context of "occupation";
2)emphasis on the kidnap and murder of 3 Israeli youths as the origin of the conflict, concealing the fact of the ongoing Israeli occupation;
3)lack of coverage of the violence of the Israeli blockade;
4)lack of coverage of racism in Israel;
5)the response demanded of Japan and the international community.

She furthermore identified the attitudes of the Japanese government and Japanese society towards the genocide and wartime violence committed by Israel against Palestine as stemming from a lack of awareness of colonialism. (Tsutomu TOMOTSUNE)

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