Activity Reports

Activity Reports

It is an activity report of the center

International Symposium- "Japan's foreign policy towards the Muslim world in the pre-war era and Turkey" (28 January 2012)

Lecturers and titles:
Nobuo Misawa (Toyo University), The Meeting Between Pan-Asianism and Islamism: Regarding the Ajia Gikai (Asia Assembly)
Ali Merthan Dundar (Ankara University)
Turkey, Tears of Suyunbike: Turkish residents in Japan and pre-war Japanese international policies
Hisao Komatsu (The University of Tokyo)
The Dream of Ibrahim: Connecting the world of Islam and Japan

Prof. Misawa explained the history of attempts to establish solidarity between Pan-Asianism and Islamism from the Meiji Period to the war and its "failure" through research on bulletins, etc. in recent years. Prof. Dundar explained the activities of various Turkish communities living in pre-war Japan, and focused on a particular Russian-born Turk-Tatar's activities and how his life was heavily influenced by the contemporary international political situation. Prof. Komatsu explained the dynamic history of the life of a pan-Islamic journalist, Abdul Reshid Ibrahim, who came to Japan in the Meiji Period, came again in 1933 and then passed away in Japan in 1944. This symposium raised the necessity of having research on the histories of the three countries - Russia (Tatarstan), Turkey and Japan as a prerequisite, and the necessity of (Japanese) research in that relationship.

The symposium was attended by seventy people and a visit to the foreigners' cemetery at the Tama Reien Cemetery was also conducted before the event.

(Tsutomu Tomotsune)

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