【To Students Who Have Recently Returned From China】Concerning the Novel Coronavirus

February 5, 2020

We ask that any students who have travelled (exchange, visit home, vacation etc.) to China, Hong Kong or Macau during the Chinese New Year contact the Student Exchange Division with their ① date of re-entry into Japan, and ② state of health at time of re-entry (whether they experienced coughing, fever etc.). Students who have already submitted this information do not need to submit again.

We also ask that students who have travelled to China during this time take precautions by abiding to the following:

① Refrain from leaving your residence for two weeks from the time you re-enter Japan

② If you must leave your residence, avoid crowded places

③ If you develop a cough or a fever, consult a nearby health care center and ask them to refer you to a hospital

Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health Call Center
https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/hodo/saishin/denwasoudan0129.html (Japanese)

④ If you wish to consult the TUFS Health Care Center, please call in advance (within operating hours)

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Health Care Center
hoken-center[at]tufs.ac.jp (change [at] to @)
Operating Hours