Saitama Day Experience Classes Begin

June 21, 2017

On Monday 14 th November 2016, an experience class aimed at high school students was held for Saitama Prefectural Day.

In these experience classes, Prof. Tanigichi Ryuko (field of specialisaiton: Japanese language education etc.) gave a lecture entitled 'What Type of Word is "Furorida" (text speak)?", and Prof. Kim Puja (field of specialisaiton: gender studies etc.) gave a lecture entitled 'What is Gender?'

The next class will take place on Saturday 24 th December at 1pm. The lectures' contents are as follows (more details will be made available on the website on the following day):

Prof. Matsuko Yukie (field of specialisaiton: phonetics): 'Aiming Towards Easy to Understand Pronunciation'

Prof. Aoki Masahiro (field of specialisaiton: Mongolian and Central Eurasian modern history): 'Nomadic Societies in Mongolia'