TUFS Teaching Member Receives 18th Yomiuri Yoshino Sakuzo Prize

June 16, 2017

Prof. Shinoda Hideaki (Institute of Global Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies)'s book ' 集団的自衛権の思想史 - 憲法九条と日米安保 (An Ideological History of the Right of Collective Self-Defense- Article 9 and Japan's National Security)' ( 風行社 Publishing) has been awarded the 18th Yomiuri Yoshino Sakuzo Prize (sponsored by the Yomiuri Shimbun and Chuokoron-Shinsha ). The winning publication was selected from books and journalistic articles published in 2016, and was lauded as a great accomplishment on the subject of the right of collective self-defense which questions the relationship of Article 9 and the US-Japan alliance.

The awarding ceremony will take place on Tuesday 18 th July at the Palace Hotel Tokyo in Marunouchi, Tokyo.