TUFS Students Compete in the 'Multicultural Presentation Contest' (Sponsored by Tokyo City)

June 7, 2017

On Saturday 11 th May 2016, TUFS student 下島 健 (School of Language and Culture Studies Portuguese Language 4 th year), 猿子 夏実 (School of Language and Culture Studies Hindi 4 th year), 松田 是 (School of Language and Culture Studies Spanish Language 4 th year), 丘 文奈 (School of Language and Culture Studies Chinese Language 4 th year), and 須田 美聡 (School of International and Area Studies Russian Area Studies 4 th year) competed in the 'Multicultural Presentation Contest at Human Rights Festa Tokyo 2016' (sponsored by the City of Tokyo), held at Tokyo International Forum. At this contest, students from five universities (TUFS; Chuo University; Hosei University; Meiji University and Waseda University) gave their presentations on the theme of 'Cities of multicultural symbiosis and Tokyo'.