Lecture Given by Matsuo Hirofumi (Nikkei Inc. Editorial Writer and Editorial Committee Member) Sponsored by ICSIC Held on 16th September

May 12, 2017

On Friday 16 th September 2016, Mr. Matsuo Hirofumi (Nikkei Inc. Editorial Writer and Editorial Committee Member) gave a lecture entitled 'the Geopolitical Influence of international Energy' in the metropolitan area (sponsored by the Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)).

Mr. Matsuo is active as an international journalist and is a graduate of TUFS in Arabic studies. He is a well-known lecturer in the field of Middle Eastern affairs, and an audience of as many as 80 attended the lecture.

Further information on the content of the lecture can be viewed on the ICSIC website . (Link in Japanese)

The scene at the venue

Mr. Matsuo speaking