TUFS Student Awarded Tokugawa Scholarship

February 20, 2018

TUFS doctorate student, Xu Wenying (Graduate School of Global Studies, Area and International Studies, third year), has been awarded the 14 th 'Tokugawa Scholarship.' This scholarship is given to young researchers conducting research on early modern Japanese history with the aim of encouraging and supporting them, and was awarded to Ms. Xu for her research on ' Power Structure of the Daimyo in the Mid-Late Early Modern Period.'
The award ceremony was held on Culture Day (Friday the 3 rd of November) at an assembly hall in the Tokyo Metropolitan area.

Ms. Xu's Thoughts on the Award

I am very happy to have received the 14 th Tokugawa Scholarship. To my Research Advisor Professor Yuriko Yoshida, and all those who have supported me, I am very grateful. Professor Yoshida taught me everything I know about Japanese history, from the basics to the research methods, thanks to which I became interested in the history of the Edo period and set my sights on doing historical research. Receiving this scholarship became a possibility thanks to the daily teachings and advice of Professor Yoshida and my research peers.
Currently, I am conducting research on the state of power relations in the late Edo period between the daimyo and domains, and relations with the shogunate through the 10 th daimyo of Tokushima's 250,000 koku -strong Hachisuka clan, Shigeyoshi Hachisuka, and his son the 11 th daimyo , Haruaki. This scholarship has become a huge incentive for me to devote myself to my research activities, and I intend to make progress in my research worthy of this award.

Ms. Xu also gave a short presentation on her research at the award ceremony of the 15th Tokugawa Award