Fundamental Agreement of Cooperation Concluded with International University of Health and Welfare

March 24, 2016

On the 22nd of February 2016 (Mon), TUFS concluded a fundamental agreement of cooperation with the International University of Health and Welfare. Upon conclusion of the agreement, President Tateishi of TUFS and associates visited the International University of Health and Welfare where the signing ceremony was held with members of both universities in attendance.
Under this agreement, beginning with the exchange of both students and staff, equivalent credit exchange and other such things related to international development and contributions to society, we are aiming to promote the collaboration between both universities.
In April of 2017, the International University of Health and Welfare is planning to newly establish the Medical Department, Nursing Department and the School of Health Sciences in Narita city. In conjunction with Narita city they proposed the “International Medical University City Initiative” in which they plan to contribute to medical activity on an international level.
This time following the agreement concluded with TUFS, as well as cooperating in the multilingual support and interpretation services in the field of medicine, the International University of Health and Welfare is planning to accept foreign exchange students and is eagerly anticipating the results from collaborating with TUFS Global Japan Office which are based around the world.
After the signing ceremony, there was an exchange of opinions regarding the possibility of quickly forming a cooperation system between both universities for the various fundamental projects that make up the agreement contents.